chapter twelve;bestfriends?

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Jessica's pov

me and Eddie were walking around the beach laughing and talking when eventually I get a call from Zach.

"Hello" I said confused on why he's calling me

"Jessica are you okay?!" I heard Zach whisper yell

"yeah why ?" I said getting a bit scared on what he was going to say

"oh well thank god I thought something happened to you silly" Zach said in that high pitch voice he does all the time

"no I'm fine I'm just walking around the beach with Eddie" I said smiling and looking over at Eddie that was already smiling at me

"EDDIE!??!" Zach said in that mom voice that he does when I make a wrong choice

"yeah is that a bad thing" I said in a sassy voice

"no not really but you should be with your boyfriend Joey duhh not with Mr. Eddie silly goose" Zach said once again in that high pitch voice

"ugh whatever he has Loren now if you dont mind I'm going to be walking around with Eddie and NOT Joey right now" I said getting a little mad because Zach was annoying me with this Joey stuff

"okay Mrs.Sassypants you better come back before we start doing the smores goodbye now" Zach said hanging up

I started laughing a bit to the fact that Zach is such a jokester and I love him so much because of that.

"what happened?" Eddie asked

"oh Zach just wanted to know where I was and I told him I was with you" I said smiling at him

"oh good thing he didnt make you go back" he said smiling down at me

"why's that?" I asked looking straight in his eyes

"I like us hang out just us alone" Eddie said causing me to get butterflies in my stomach

"come on lets go watch the sunset" Eddie said grabbing my hand and pulling me to follow him

Joey's pov

Zach came back from talking on the phone with Jessica and I went up to him.

"where's Jessica? is she okay?" I said making eye contact with him

"woah calm down there Joey, and ya she's okay she's just walking around with Eddie" Zach said shrugging his shoulders

"EDDIE!?!?" I said screaming and confused

"that's what I said and she said if thats a problem and I said not at all but you should be with your boyfriend Joey" Zach said elbowing me and winking at me

"stop that I'm going to go find Jessica I cant help knowing that she's out there with that Eddie kid" I said getting out of the water feeling my face heat up

I dried off and started searching for Jess. While I was doing that I had a bunch of thoughts going through my head that I would rather keep to myself

Eddie's pov

Me and Jessica found a spot to watch the sunset we sat down and Jessica laid her head on my shoulder. Our hands were still interlocked together ( as in they were still holding hands just saying :D )

"Jess?" I said looking down at her and her looking up at me smiling

without letting her say something I grabbed her chin and leaned closer to her and like that our lips touched

I hope she didn't mind this I know she has feelings for Joey but I love her also...

"Jess..." I heard a faded voice that sounded heart broken behind us

I turn around and see Jessica get up and run towards the figure from a distance I see...

//ohh sh*t guys things are getting heated what do you think Eddie was in the distance? I dont know what he saw but all I can say if that you guys are in for a suprise ;) anyways I'm trying my best to stay active and again thank y'all for all the reads and votes I never thought I would make it this far honestly thank y'all so much and if y'all want to stay in touch with me y'all can dm me on my fanpage @/mydorkhunter on ig ya I know its a Hunter Rowland fanpage and not a Joey fanpage but like I said I used to be obsessed with Joey but now I'm not as obsessed with him but I just want to continue making this fanfic :) ilygsm💗

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