chapter four;broadcasting

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Joey's pov

What did I just do? Did that actually happened? Does she think I'm a freak?

All these questions ran threw my head as I just stand there replaying the whole scene that had just happened.

Ughh your so stupid Joey...why would you do that. Am I in no Joey you aren't you just met her...or am I?

"Hey Joey. Your just on time the pizza just came." Charles says as I walk into the apartment.

"Finally I'm hungry. Oh and I kinda invited someone over." I told him

"You what? Who?" he said

Before I could speak we heard a knock at the door.

Jessica's pov:)

After what happened with Joey I couldnt stop thinking about it. I dont know why.

When I got to mine and Zach's apartment I went upstairs and took a shower. (ok so I might have confused y'all with the way the apartment is but just go with that I say now😂) Once I got out of the shower I changed into grey sweatpants and a black crop top that has a pineapple in the corner of it.

"Zach I'm going to a friends house" I yell at him while closing the door.

"Ok be back before 11" he yelled back

I walked next door to Joey's house and before I could knock I heard a conversation behind the door. But I still knocked.

"Oh um hey Jess" Joey says as he opens the door

"Hey Joey" I say with a smile

"Oh Jess this is Charles my best friend" he says pointing to a boy with dirty blonde-ish hair.

"Hey Charles" I said embracing him into a hug

"Hey Jess nice to finally meet you even though I've seen you before and everything. But I didn't know your name you were like a stranger to me" he says laughing and hugging me back

I laugh a bit while still hugging him when he said that. We let go of the hug and start to eat pizza.

"Hey Jess you want to broadcast with us?" Joey asked throwing away his plate

"Umm I dont think I can do that" I said putting my phone down on the counter

"What? Why?" Charles asked me

"Because once they see me they'll start hating on me and stuff" I said

"I promise Jess I'll say your just a friend thats all and if they hate on you there not real fans. They should know that we just met and you already make me happy" Joey said smiling

"Yeah Jess your like our bestfriend already" Charles said smiling too

"Ok fine but of they hate on me I'm leaving" I said teasing them

"NO PLEASE DONT" Joey said immediately

"Dang Joey chill" Charles said

"Yeah Joey I was just joking" I said making eye contact with him and his cheeks started to turn red

Joey stood up and walked over to me and Charles he brought us into a group hug and said

"Promise we wont leave eachother at all" Joey said letting go of us

"Promises are meant to be broken Joey" I told him

"How about we go broadcast now?" Charles asked

"Yeah lets go" I said following Joey and Charles to Joey room

"You dont have to be in the broadcast Jess" Joey said setting up the broadcast

"Its fine I'll be alright" I said

"Hey guys its Joey and this is Charles" Joey said pointing at Charles

As more and more people come into the broadcast. The more questions Joey gets about who I am.

(A/n these are fake usernames I think lol)
@/Kittyxdogxlover: who is that?

@/Sidneyxoxo: who's that girl sitting next to Joey she's so ugly kys

@/Birlem__lover: awwe Joey who is that she's so pretty:)

As I kept reading the comments I noticed some positive ones but mostly hate comments.

I think Joey catched on quickly with what was happening once I started to look down and started to play with my fingers.

"Hey guys please dont hate on Jess. She's just my friend I dont even like her like that. Come on guys I just met her like two days ago" Joey said disappointed

"Nah its ok Joey" I said trying to lighten up the mood

"Are you sure Jess?" Joey said looking at me straight in the eyes

I just nod my head and he continues with his broadcast.

"Ok sorry guys but I think I'm going to get off now" Joey said after being on his broadcast for over two hours.

Joey ended the broadcast and shut downed his laptop.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Charles asked jumping onto the coach and turning Netflix on.

"Um I think I should be going" I said looking at my watch around my wrist

"Aww come on Jess please stay" Charles said making puppy dog eyes

"Ooooo yess please Jess we can have a sleepover" Joey said jumping around

"Ok ok fine but I'm going to head back to my apartment and get some clothes to sleep in" I said walking to the door

"Nope your not going anywhere you staying in that clothes" Joey said blocking the door

"What?why?" I said annoyed

"Come on Jess I love pineapples and you have one on your shirt" Joey said pointing at the small pineapple on the side of my shirt

"Ok but let me go get some shorts at least" I said trying to get him out of the door way

"No Jess your not leaving the apartment you can borrow a pair of my basketball shorts" Joey said running to his room while holding on to my wrist so I can follow him

"Here wear these you can change in here" Joey said throwing me a pair of his basketball shorts

"I'll be waiting for you outside the door" Joey said closing the door behind him

I quickly take off my pants and put on Joey's shorts. I open the door to reveal a Joey on his phone

"Do they fit" Joey asked locking his phone

"Yes thank you" I said giving him a smile

//Hey guys thank you for 100 reads ilysm. I'll try updating this book more its just because school is getting in the way😕anyways ilygsm😊❤

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