chapter six

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Somewhere during the movie Joey got off my legs and sat up next to me. Every now and then Joey would move closer to me.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom be back in a few" Charles said getting off the couch and walking to the restroom.

I was looking the other way when Joey tapped my shoulder. I turned me head to face him. He was about 4 inches away from me we made eye contact and Joey leaned in to kiss me.

I leaned in a bit and our lips touched. The kiss wasnt anything special it was just a soft kiss. I leaned out of the kiss and Joey was looking at me straight in the eyes.

It wasnt awkward at all but we were interrupted by Charles walking into the living room.

"Yo I'm getting tired do y'all want to keep watching the movie or go to sleep?" Charles asked yawning

I checked the time and it was 1 in the morning. "Yeah I'm ok with that what about you Joey?" I said looking at Joey who seemed amazed about what just happened.

I wave my hand in Joey's face to get his attention. "Oh yeah um I'm getting pretty tried also" Joey said.

"Hm ok well I call the couch idk where y'all are going to sleep" Charles said jumping on the couch

"Jess do you want to sleep in my room?" Joey asked turning his head to me

"Yeah sure why not" I said

Joey motioned me to follow him to his room. I followed behind him while we went up the stairs. We made it to his room and Joey walked over to a bed side table and turned on the lamb that was on it.

"You can go ahead and sleep if you want and if you want to use the restroom at anytime its at the end of the hall" Joey said walking to the door

"Joey where are you going?" I asked with a questioned face

"I'm going to go get some blankets so I can sleep on the floor. I'll be back" he said ready to walk out of the room

"Joey you do know u can sleep on the bed with me if you want" I said

"Really?" Joey said with a surprised look on his face

"Yeah sure if you want I mean it is your bed" I said laughing a bit

Joey just laughed a bit and walked over to the bed to where I was now laying in.

Joey layed down on the other side of the bed and I started to fall asleep.

I felt an arm rap around my waist and pull me closer. It was obviously Joey I smile and felt butterflies in my stomach.

Right when I was about to go to sleep I heard a fade voice say "I love you"

//hey guys this is a short chapter I know but idk if I'm going to keep on updating so often because I have school and everything I barely have time to myself but I'll try to update as much as I can I love you guys. Stay positive.💖

The Stranger // j.m.bWhere stories live. Discover now