chapter forty four

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joey's pov

"joey i'm sorry i can't remember things" she said

"first it was you and now mark and eddie if that's what their names are" she added

"no no jess it's not your fault , don't take this all on you" i said looking at her

"i feel like it is , if i never acted stupid none of this would've happened" she told me

"don't take this all on you , i still have faith that you'll get your memory back" i said giving her a hug

"AWHHH" i heard behind me and jess which made us both jump

"come on guys are we gonna start this party or what ?" weston said

no one said anything

"there's rubber ducks in the pooooooool" he said with a wink at the end

"AKDJCJDJJSKDJFII" that was i heard while everyone went running out to the backyard and into the pool , where ofc weston wasn't lying about the ducks

"come let's go have some fun , you don't have to worry about anything right now" i said wrapping my arms around jessica's shoulders

// short chapter but i'll make the next one a little longer :) don't forget to vote !! ❤️

The Stranger // j.m.bWhere stories live. Discover now