chapter forty three

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joey's pov

wait so if she knows mario then she probably remembers everyone else ... this doesn't make sense what the f-

everyone hugged jess and the last two were mark and eddie .

"great i get to see mark hug jess and her totally remembering him" i thought to myself annoyed

"oh hello , i didn't know you guys got new friends" i heard jess say

i turned around from the picture i was looking at when charles was a little bean

i saw eddie and mark looking at jess really confused

i walked over there and said "no no this is mark and eddie , don't you remember them ?"

"mark and eddie , mark and eddie" she kept repeating

mark pulled me and eddie to the side .

"bro what the fuck did you do ? why is she acting like she doesn't have a clue who we are ?!" he said whisper yelling

"yeah bro did you tell her to do this ?" eddie told me

i looked up from mark and eddie and saw everyone with a confused face looking at me and jess .

"jess why don't you go grab something to drink babe" i told her and i motioned everyone else to take her to the kitchen to get something for her

once everyone left into the kitchen mark and eddie were looking at me mad

"okay look guys , when jess fell of that building she hit her head or something and lost part of her memory , including me . the doctor said she lost her whole memory but when charles and zach came to the hospital to see her she remembered them perfectly that's when i started to realize she didn't forget everything" i told them

"okay but can you explain why she doesn't remember us and she acted like she knows everyone else here ?" eddie asked

"don't you think i would if i could !" i screamed

i walked over to the sofa and sat down , i put my head in my hands and felt a few tears coming out of my eyes .

i felt a hand on my shoulder , it then turned into rubbing my back slowly . i turned around and saw jess with a worried face .

no one was in the room except me and jess , she walked to the front of the sofa and sat down next to me .

she rested her head on my shoulder and said ...

// heyoo i promised a chapter today so i kept it :) i really didn't like this chapter but i'll have to do

also i started a "new" book which was actually just my other book about hunter rowland but i switched it up to a different story so if you could please go read it , thank you loves ❤️

also don't forget to vote this , ilygsm 💛

The Stranger // j.m.bWhere stories live. Discover now