In need of a new character ;) (CLOSED)

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Okay so I need two new people to be in the story. A girl and a boy. So if you want to be in the story or request someone to be in the story I'm going to need some information such as:

Girl (if you're not a girl then you can still make up a character for the girl)
Hair color and hair type (straight,curly,wavy and short, long, medium):
Age (probably has to be 14 but if you're not that age in real life it's okay) :
Eye color:

Boy (if you're not a boy you can just make up how you want him to look)
Hair color and hair type (short,long hair like the hair like Joey's) :
Age: (probably 14,15)
Eye color:
Attitude (nice,mean,etc.):

Just put it in the comments if you want to be in it. Everyone who comments will be put in a jar and will be picked from their randomly. This will end some time tomorrow or today. Just keep in mind I live in Texas so yeah :) have a great day babes.

Update: this ends some time today because I'm going to need to post a chapter today and I have to have the new characters for the next chapter.

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