chapter nine;hanging out

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Jessica's pov

Me and Mark talked a little longer until everyone's food came. I was sitting at a table with Zach, Joey, and Charles. Mark went to go sit with the others.

"So what do you guys think of them" Joey said referring to the people we just met

"They all seem nice except for that Loren girl I'm pretty sure she hates me. Mark and me started talking and he's really nice and funny. He told me how everyone has some fame." I said with a smile but Joey seemed mad when I mentioned Mark

"aww thats so nice Jess. You and Mark seem like really nice friends" Charles said winking causing me to laugh

"excuse me one minute please" Joey said getting up and started walking to the restroom

"What's up with him" Zach asked

"I dont know I havent seen him like this in a while" Charles said

Joey's pov

I couldn't stand it anymore. Everyone talking about Jessica and Mark its getting me sick. I just wish I can tell Jess that I like her but I'm afraid that she doesnt feel the same way. I decided to come to the rest room to get my mind of things for a bit

"oh great will you look at that" I said in my mind

"Just who I wanted to see the  Mark Thomas" I said to myself also

"Hey Joey my man" Mark said with a smile

"Hey Mark" I said acting all sweet but in the inside I was furious at him

"Ayee so I got to talk to your friend Jessica. She's really nice, funny, and cute

Thats when I lost it. All my madness inside of me just came out. I grabbed Mark but the collar of his shirt and pushed him against the bathroom wall.

"Hey bro chi.." I cut him off I didnt want to listen to him right now

"Look Mark. Stay Away From Jessica. I know Jessica isnt dating me but she's mine. I had my eyes on her before you and I dont think its fair if you just met her and your already all over her. She's Mine. You Got It Or Do I Have To Spell It Out For You. M-I-N-E MINE. Not stay away from Jess if you don't want to get hurt" I said looking at him straight in the eyes

"Ok man geez. Shes all yours" Mark said

I let go of him and he left tge restroom. I washed my face off and headed back to the table were Jess, Charles, and Zach were laughing their butts off at something Charles was showing them on his phone.  Once I sat down Ariel came over and said that we were going to the beach.

"I'm down for that" Zach said excited

"Me too" Jess said smiling

"Me three" Charles said happier than ever

"Me four" I said laughing

"Alright come on kids lets get going" Weston said leading us to the door

"Ok we got Joey Jessica Zach Charles and everyone else that should kill themselves" Weston said smiling

"HEYYY" everyone one behind me said causing weston to laugh

"Just kidding you know I love my rat family" Weston said laughing even harder

"Awww....wait HEYY" everyone said after knowing that Weston just called them rats

Once we were all out of in n out we headed towards the beach.

// sorry this is short guys but I was meant to update yesterday but my wifi wouldnt work for some reason. Ilygsm💗 and thank you for all the view and votes lately😊

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