chapter seven

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Jessica's pov

In the morning I woke up and I had totally forgot that I was still at Joeys apartment. But Joey wasnt next to me when I woke up. I got up out of the bed and went into the restroom.

I saw myself in the mirror and almost had a heart attack (relateable) my hair was everywhere and was a mess. I managed to make my hair decent by running my fingers through it.

Once I was done I headed down stairs and I could hear Joey and Charles talking.

"GOODMORNING JESS" Joey said looking up from his phone making Charles turn around and wave at me.

"Hey guys and good morning to you too Joey" I said in a morning voice.

"I have a big day planned today. A few of my friends are coming to L.A. today so we can hang out with them if you dont mind" Joey said getting up from the coach

"Actually thats a great idea. I would love to meet your friends" I said smiling at him

"Great well I should go get ready. Jess do you want to go get ready at your apartment?" Joey asked me

"Yea I'm just gonna go right now. I'll bring your clothes when I come back" I said

"Ok see you in a few" Joey said waving at me

I shut the door behind me and went to mine and Zach's apartment.

"Zach I'm back" I said shouting

I heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs and heard a loud "YAYYY" before I knew it Zach was giving me a big bear hug.

"Well someone missed me" I said trying to breath

"Yea I did miss you sis. It felt like you were gone for years" Zach said letting go of the hug

"I missed you too Zach but I have to go get ready" I said walking to the stairs to get to my room

"Ooo where are you going now" Zach said

"Joey asked me if I wanted to go hang out with some of his friends that just came to LA to visit. Wanna come with?" I said while looking for something to wear

"Is that even a question Jessica OF COURSE I WANT TO COME WITH" Zach said happier than ever

I just smiled and told him to go get ready. Once I was done getting ready I went to check if Zach was ready to go. (if you want to see the outfit its in the media:))

Zach was ready and we went to Joeys apartment. Joey asked if we were ready and we said yea and me, Zach, Joey, and Charles. Started going to the spot where everyone was going to go meet up.

//short chapter but the next chapter is mostly going to be the new characters in the story. Dont worry Joey Jessica Charles and Zach are still in the story😂💘 but anyways its 2:50am where I live gn and thank y'all for 1.21k reads😭💗 ilygsm and sorry for the late update:(

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