chapter forty six

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weeks passed , joey and jess were still madly in love. they had a pretty good glow up over the summer. everyone did. charles , joey , jess , mark , eddie , tyler , everyone since jess first met everyone. especially joey and jess , they were like the "power couple" they did everything to together , i mean everything. school was just two days away from now and they were already stressing.

joey ^

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joey ^

jess ^

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jess ^

jess's pov

"JOEY WAKE UP OMG" i said shaking the hell out of joey so he can wake up

"babe calm down , what do you need ?" he asked in a sexy morning voice

"ooo i love your morning voice, but anyways i have to go clothes shopping for school" i told him

"i see , getting ready for the big day on wednesday" he said smiling and rubbing his eyes

"come on joseph i want to fit in and make a good first impression" i said rolling my eyes playfully

"babe , you're fine just the way you are. you shouldn't have to change just to fit in you're unique and i love that about you" he said getting up from the bed

"okay okay fine but i do need new clothes" i said giving him a puppy face

"okay get ready and let's go" he said rushing me

i just laughed and smiled. gosh i love this kid

// i've been gone for so long i'm so sorry school has honestly taken over me 🤦🏽‍♀️ i miss updating this book for y'all but omggg thank you for all the views and 2k votes already i love you all so much ❤️ new chapter monday (maybe 💛) sorry for the short chapter btw i'll update my other book also so don't miss that :)

The Stranger // j.m.bWhere stories live. Discover now