Chapter sixteen

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Joey's pov

I was so happy when Jessica said yes. I love her so much and I never want to hurt her ever. Me and Jessica walked around the pier for a bit and then decided to go home.

Jessica's pov

I still couldn't get over the fact that Joey asked me out. Ugh I just love him so much. When i got to my apartment I ate some grapes and scrolled through my instagram feed.

I then remembered that I had to go live and ask my mom if she wanted to hang out tomorrow. I knocked on her apartment door and she opened it.

"Hey mom" I said with a big smile on my face

"Hey Jess how are you?" She said leading me into her apartment

"Really good actually. This boy asked me out today" I said nerves at what's she's going to say about Joey

"Oh really that's nice who is he?" She said sitting down on the couch

Well you know that one kid that I'm always with? The one that lives next to mine and Zach's apartment?" I said

"Oh yeah is it the kid with the dirty blonde hair?" She said

"Oh uh no it's actually the one with brown hair" I said

"Oh well isn't that lovely" she said with a smile

"Yeah he's really sweet maybe sometime he can come and talk to you" I said smiling back

"Oh that would be wonderful" she said smiling even wider

"Oh and I came here to tell you if you wanted to hang out tomorrow you know just you and me? Like a girls day?" I said smiling at her

"Aww I would love too" she said hugging me

"Okay thanks mom I think I should be going it's getting late and I promised my supporters I would go live today" I said getting off the couch

"Oh okay have fun I'll order a pizza for you and Zach" she said following me to the door

"Okay mom thank you I'll come over tomorrow morning" I said hugging her and walking out the door

When I got to my apartment I said hi to Zach and got my laptop and signed into YouNow. I got my phone and got on snapchat. I took a video of my computer saying "I'm going live right now and the top fan will get my number, snapchat streak or, follow on instagram or twitter. Come watch loves" I said while holding up a peace sign at the end. I put @/itzjessclayton as the caption so they can know my username.

I hit the go live button and instantly got 100 viewers already. I said hi to everyone that was commenting. I fanned a couple a people to make their day.

"Yes guys I know I haven't been live in a while I'm sorry I just been really busy lately" I said to the camera

ItsJoeybirlem is here

Joeylover: Omfg hi Joey💓

Ilikecatsx: JOEYYYYY

JOEYGOALS: mom and dad

Alexaxbirlem: #jj 💗

( A/N I guess their ship name for now is 'jj' because I can't figure out one but if you have one leave it in the comments:) )

Hoeytherat: PARENTS 😩👏🏽👏🏽😤😍😂

"Hey Joey can you come over real quick?" I say turning off my phone

//agitdbkgxvkud I'm sorry I haven't updated in like 10 years but I'll get better at it I promise and ughhh tomorrow school starts up again well anyone's guys I'll see y'all soon💓 gn/gm loves💛

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