chapter thirty three

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Joey's pov

I turn around and see some guy I've never seen before.

"Oh hi, I think you've mistaken me" I said

"Oh no, I haven't" he said

"Well I've never seen you before what's your name ?" I asked

"Ian, Ian McGill" he said walking closer to me

"Oh well nice to meet you I'm- " I was cut off

"I know how you are" he said

"Oh well I should get going now" I said getting up

"Where do you think you're going ? I'm not done with you" he said getting in front of me

"I'm trying to get back to my girlfriend and I don't even know you, what do you want ?" I said trying to get past him

"Listen I don't know if you know yet but I'm Jessica's ex, and let me just say I don't like you one bit" he said grabbing the collar of my shirt

"Dude just let me go I've never done anything to you. Jess moved on, she doesn't want you anymore. Maybe you should move on too. Let us be. As in us I mean me and Jess. Leave us alone" I said looking straight at him

"Fine then. But this isn't the last time you'll see me, you'll regret not leaving Jessica soon. Just wait" he said letting go of the collar of my shirt and pushing me to the ground.

When I picked myself up from the ground he was gone. What a jerk, if he lands one hand on Jessica again he's gonna have a problem.

I went back inside the hospital and when to the room Jessica was at. When I got to the room I could hear Jessica laughing. Oh I almost forgot she doesn't remember me at all.

"Oh hey Joey, right ?" Jessica said while I was coming in.

"Yup that's me and hey" I said coming in

"So... how you feeling now ?" Charles asked me

"I feel a little better" I said

Honestly I feel worse than I did before. Everything is just happening so quick. I kinda wish me and Jess were still strangers.

// finally a new chapter it feels like ages since I've updated but it was about time. Sorry if there's any errors in here it's legit about to be 3 in the morning but it's okay since I don't have school tomorrow :) well gn babes I love you all so much and just remember if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always for y'all, don't be afraid to talk to me :) ❤️

The Stranger // j.m.bWhere stories live. Discover now