Chapter twentytwo

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Zach's pov

"Wait why? What's wrong?" She said starting to get worried

"I took Jessica to go climb a building that she really wanted to climb while she was hanging off of it I guess she couldn't hold herself and fell. Mom, I'm really sorry I didn't mean this to happen. I know it's my fault for not taking care of her, I'm sorry." I said crying

"I'm coming now" she said

"No mom this job is important I promise this time I will look out for Jessica please don't worry everything's going to be fine please don't come" I said

"Okay but call me if anything else happens I miss you please take care of her" she said

"Of course I will bye love you" I said hanging up

"I'm so sorry Jess that should of been me that fell off. I should of been paying attention to you instead of being on my phone. If I wasn't on my phone I would of have time to save you from falling please forgive me. Please be okay I don't want you to go." I said holding her hand

I hear someone come into the room I look up and it was the doctor.

"How is she?" I said getting up

"Good news, She's fine. I'm surprised she didn't break a bone or anything but when she wakes up she will feel pain for a week or so" he says reading through the papers

"When will she wake up?" I asked

"That's the bad news, we don't know exactly when she will wake up. She hit the ground hard." He said

A nurse came in and gave the doctor a note with something on it.

"Well, they just did more research and found of she's in a coma. It would probably last a few weeks" he said

I didn't say anything I just broke down.

"I'll leave you here alone" the doctor said exiting the room

"I'm so sorry Jess" I said to her

I sat down in the chair just watching Jessica. I heard someone walk into the room but it wasn't the doctor

// OMFG THANK YOU ALL FOR 14K READS AND 400 VOTES I LOVE YALL this is such a good idea so then I can have a bunch of chapters ready to post instead of rushing to make one. PS I HAVE ANOTHER CHAPTER TO POST LIKE RIGHT NOW SO YOU GUYS CAN TELL ME WHEN TO POST

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