Chapter fourteen;problems

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Joey's pov

It's been 2 days since me and Jessica lasted talked. This is ridiculous, it's all my fault. I don't know why I even did what I did. I mean it wasn't like we were dating or anything. Oh the questions that were running through my head.

After a while I got myself together. I knew what I had to do. I grabbed my phone and started to text Jessica.

Jessica's pov

I was laying on my bed think about what had happen these passed two days. I also noticed that I haven't been very active in my social medias. I went through twitter and saw that a bunch of my supporters were worried about me.

I decided to like a few of their tweets and follow them also. I tweeted "guys I'm fine I just have a lot going on at the moment ❤️". Once I tweeted it I got a bunch of likes and retweets and some people quoted and tweeted back at me saying that they were happy that I'm okay and they also told me to stay positive.

Gosh I love my supporters I would die if something bad happened to one of them. I was on Instagram liking a few pictures and commenting on the edits my supporters make for me.

I was about to comment something on one of the edits when I got a text from Joey.


Joey❤️: meet me at the pier in one hour

Jessica💛: why?

Joey❤️: just meet me there in an hour please

Jessica💛: okay bye love you see you then :)

Joey❤️: love you too...💛

-end of texts-

I didn't know what to think but I was just wondering why Joey wanted me to meet up with him later.

I decided to take a shower to get things off my mind for a while. When I got out I had about an hour and thirty minutes until I had to go.

I wanted to leave at least 20 minutes before I had to meet him so I can tell walk there and not have to ask my mom or Zach to drive me.

I quickly straightened my hair and got an out fit together.

I quickly straightened my hair and got an out fit together

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(That's her outfit^)

When I was finished I had enough time to walk their. While I was walking to the pier I remembered that my mom had to go away on a business trip later this month.

I haven't been talking to her as much as I used to since we moved here. It wasn't that I was mad or anything, it was just because I was mostly spending the time with Joey and Charles. When I get back to the apartment I'm going to ask her if she wants to hang out tomorrow.

Joey's pov
I was walking to the pier and I stopped over at a jewelry shop. I couldn't wait any longer. I'm going to apologize to Jess and then I'm going to ask her to be mine. It took me a while to think about it but I finally have the guts to tell her.

I walked into the jewelry place and asked them if my necklace was ready. They handed me a small bag with a box inside, I looked inside the box and saw the gold necklace that had J+J (Joey and Jessica) on it

// OKAY yes I haven't updated in a while I'm sorry :(💛 but I'll be more active for you guys :) but anyways since I told y'all that I didn't have a Joey fanpage I decided to make one but it's a choey fanpage @/whatachoey I couldn't come up with a username so I decided to use that one😂❤️ but anyways thank you all for the reads and everything can believe we already have 150 votes thank you☺️💗well anyways it's like 1am where I live so gn everyone💛

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