chapter thirty six

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jessica's pov

i woke up in the middle of the night around 2:30 am to go to the restroom. my room didn't have a restroom in it for some reason so i had to walk to the closes bathroom outside my room.

while i was walking to the restroom i saw a light turning off and on. i thought it was just a little kid messing around with the switch , so i went to go them if they could stop.

i got to the corner where the lights were turning off and on. when i turned the corner the lights stopped turning off and on. i then felt a hand go over my mouth and an arm go over my eyes.

i tried to scream for help but i couldn't, it felt as if i was suffocating.

"shhhh shhh shhh you're okay princess, i'm not going to hurt you, maybe" the person said

"you must be thinking who i am, oh did you already forget about me baby ? awe , too bad. but just to refresh your memory my name is ian" they said

"jessica , jessica , are you listening come on listen , JESSICA"

i could hardly breath. i look to my left and see joey standing there, tears in his eyes.

i finally got some air and could finally see clearly.

joey was still there looking at me as if i just died..

"what" i said looking at him

"i thought i lost you jess" he said with his voice cracking

"joey i'm still here there's nothing to worry about , babe" i said giving him a hug

"what happened" he said letting go of the hug

"just a bad dream" i said shrugging my shoulders

"that was no dream jessica, i barely got you to wake up. what happened in your dream" he said putting quotations around dream

"ian" i said firmly

"ian ? , you mean ian mcgill ?" he said worried

"yes" i said

"what's up with that kid ? he was talking to me the other day and told me to watch out" he said

"me and ian used to date, he still wants me but i didn't want him anymore" i said looking down

"what ? what do you mean ? why did he say watch out ?" he said worried

"before i left him he said if he can't have me then no one can, he said he'll hurt who ever tries to get with me" i said kind of mumbling the end

joey's pov

i know jess doesn't want to talk about this right now but i have to find more about this ian kid.


\\ guys 😭 ik ik i haven't updated in like a month i'm so so so so sorry but we did it guys we hit 50k views 😭😭 i can't believe it , i was gone for almost a month and came back with 51k views this just made my whole week 🖤. thank you so so so so so so much i love you all sooooo much 😭💞. this is just the beginning guys next up is 100k views 💛. i couldn't done it without you guys thank you so much for the support on this book i honestly didn't think i was going to even get 100 views 😭 wishes do come true 😊💙. i missed you guys so much , i just had so much going on and i still do it's getting better :)) i'll try to update more often and not a month later 😂.

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