Chapter twenty six

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Third person pov

*Seven days since the accident*

Joey has been with Jessica ever since she got in the coma. He hasn't been very active with his fans either. He doesn't want to see anyone but his one true love. He talks to her about how he loves her so much. He cries everyday, breaks down, because he can't make it out with out Jessica in his life.

Joey's pov

"Hey babe, I love you so much and you know that. I just can't wait to see you out of this bed. I promise I'll be here everyday until you get better. I'm never leaving your side." I said running my fingers through Jessica's hair

I hear someone come in. I turn my head to the door and see Zach and Charles.

"Hey bro how is she ?" Charles asked

"Anything new ?" Zach said

"Nope but I just wish she would get out of here" I said to them

"Don't worry Joey she'll make it out of here" Zach said rubbing my back

"I know but I just miss seeing her perfect smile, her beautiful eyes, the way she laughs, how she would always play with Jasper but he wouldn't get up because he was too lazy, and well, just everything" I said laughing a little at the Jasper part

//vv short chapter but sorry for not updating in like 2 days I've been busy with school but anyways gn babes I love you all so much and THANK YOU FOR 20K VIEWS AND ALL THE VOTES😭💛 thank you so much babes :)

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