Chapter twenty eight

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Joey's pov

When I walked into Jessica's hospital room there was a doctor with a clipboard writing things down on a piece of paper.

"Oh you must be Joey, how are you ?" The doctor said turning around

"pretty good I guess" I said

"Oh that's great, any questions ?" He said taking off his glasses

"Actually yes, do you know how long she's going to stay like this ?" I said referring to Jessica

He took a deep breath and said "well we don't know exactly when but it should be soon probably in like three days or so"

"Are you sure it won't be any sooner? I hate seeing her like this, I just want to talk to her again" I said looking at Jessica

"That would be a miracle if it happened" he said writing something down on his paper

"I'll check on Jessica again in a few hours" he said leaving the room

"Don't worry Jessica you'll be okay"

"I hope so"

"Yoooo Joey!!" Charles said coming into the room followed by nurses in the hallway hushing him

"Sorry" Charles said whisper yelling

"So how's Jess doing" he said looking at her

"The doctor said she was doing good and she should wake up in 3 days or so but he said it would be a miracle if she woke up sooner" I said

"it would be a miracle" he said

"I wish it would come true I miss her so much" I said looking over at her

Flash back

"Jess can you get that camera out of my face I'm trying to eat" I said while drinking some of my orange juice laughing a bit

"I'm sorry Joseph, you just look really cute in the dog filter" Jessica said while walking over at me

"Come on let's take this picture for snapchat" she said holding up her phone

I kiss her on the cheek, she smiles and closes her eyes then takes the picture.

"Awwe it's so cute Joseph" she said while putting a caption on it.

'I love this kid so much😍' was the caption

"Have I ever told you I love you so much" I told her

"Everyday Joseph" she said laughing

"Good I never want to miss a day. Even if you're not by my side I will still say I love you, if you're in heaven I will still tell you I love you, in a hospital bed I will still tell you I love you" I said looking into her eyes

"Gosh I love you Joseph" she said kissing me

"I love you too Jessica" I said pulling away from the kiss

"GOOD MORNING LOVE BIRDS" Zach said coming into the kitchen

"good morning Zach" me and Jessica said

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