Chapter twenty three

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Joey's pov

Me and Charles finally made it to the hospital. I asked the lady at the front desk what room Jessica was in and she said room 768 floor 9.

I got worried because if Jessica wasn't in the hospital then they wouldn't have had a room for her...

We finally made it to Jessica's room when I entered it probably was the worst feeling in the world.

"Jessica, Jessica, please babe wake up" I said to her

"She can't hear you Joey" Zach said with his head down

"Why? Why can't she hear me Zach?" I said raising my voice

"She's in a coma Joey" his voice cracked

I broke down. I couldn't do anything. I can't believe this is happening to her.

"Bro Joey its okay" Charles said comforting me

"No, can't you see Charles what if she doesn't make it out alive. I won't be able to live with myself" I said crying

"Don't worry Joey the doctor said she's going to be in a coma for only a serval weeks" Zach said

"Weeks? Weeks?! I can't see her just lay on this stupid hospital bed for weeks! Do you know how much it breaks just seeing her in this bed right now! It hurts a fucking lot (a/n sorry for the cursing) image weeks and then her possibly not making it out of here! What am I going to do?! No one can replace Jessica, NOBODY! When I first saw her she was just a stranger to me but now she means so much to me can't you see!?!" I said with a lot of anger

"Joey please just take a seat you need some rest" Charles said

"Catch meh outside how bout dat" (lmao jk💀)

"Okay fine" I said and sat in a chair next to Jessica

I was holding Jessica's hand and I started to get tired. I eventual fell asleep while holding Jessica's hand.

//yuh another chapter my babes 💞 oh and if you don't like cursing please comment so I won't do it again😂❤

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