chapter forty two

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joey's pov

"joey , are you really my boyfriend ?" she said looking up at me

"what are you taking about jess ? of course i am we've been dating for awhile now" i said worried

"then what was all that about ?" she said raising her voice a little

"we've talked about this jess , you know logan is trying to get me back . she's nuts , i don't want her . i want you , jess . if i had a chance to be with anyone in this world i would still choose you . i know we just met a few months ago but when i first saw you i knew i had to make you mine" i told her

"awh joey , i feel so bad now because i can't remember anything that happened . i can't even remember my own boyfriend ." she said

"it's okay jess , i still have faith in you getting your memory back" i said giving her a hug

"thanks joey" she said

jess and i went back to the room she was staying in . she started putting on her shoes so we could leave . i put all her stuff inside her backpack , and got her phone and charger . once she was ready we headed out of the hospital and got into an uber .

"are you ready for the suprise ?" i asked her

"you know i hate surprises joey" she said whining

"but i'm sure you will like this one" i said smiling at her

"you better not prank me with some kind of snake , you know i hate those" she said

"come on you know i'll never do something like that" i said sarcastically

"joey stoooop" she said lightly shoving me

i just laughed at her because she's so cute when she gets mad

although i am a bit worried that she won't remember anyone , i mean she remembered charles and zach but she didn't remember me . she'll probably not remember anyone else that's gonna be so awkward , i could already imagine it .

"hey joey ?" she said waving her hand in front of my face

"oh sorry , what did you say ?" i said confused

"nothing , you just kinda zoned out for a sec . are you okay ?" she asked looking up form her phone

"yeah i'm okay" i said flashing a smile at her

when we almost arrived at the surprise party , i told jess to put on this blind fold so she won't see where we're at . yet she probably won't remember who's house we're at , right ?

i texted charles to tell everyone to hide and once i take off the blind fold off jess , everyone jumps out and screams "surprise"

"do i really have to wear this ?" she asked me whining again

"yes it's a surprise" i told her

"okayyy fine" she said

i kissed her cheek and she smile revealing her teeth .

"i love that smile of yours" i told her

"you wouldn't if i never had braces" she said laughing

i just laughed along with her

once we got to charles's i opened the door and helped her get out of the car . i carried all her things in her backpack . charles opened the gate to his house for us , then we started walking in .

"joey where are we going we've been walking forever" she said

i have to admit this trail thing to charles house is pretty long .

"you'll see when we get there" i told her holding her hand

we started walking up a few steps and jess almost fell backwards a few times but i caught her .

i opened the door to charles's house slowly so jess wouldn't get an idea .

it was pitch dark except for the sunlight coming through the windows , i took of jess's blindfold off and she looked around and gave me a confused look .

i turned on the lights and that's when everyone popped out from where they were hiding and screamed "SURPRISE !!"

jess got a little startled because she was looking at me the whole time and everyone was behind her . she turned around and had a huge smile on her face .

everyone came up to her to say hi , the first one was mario , oh no .

"heyy bestfrienddd , how's it going ? are you okay ?" mario said going in for a hug

"MARIOO AHH I MISSED YOU" jess said hugging him tight

wait ? what ?

// sorry guys i know i said i was going to update you guys last night but i fell asleep while typing this :( but i made it kind long for you guys :)

anyways i want to talk to some of you guys so feel free to message me on here and we can talk about anything ! 💛

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