chapter thirty five

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Joey's pov

"You're right, you haven't left this hospital for nothing. You've been in here ever since Jessica got in the coma" Charles said

"Really ?" Jessica's voice came up from behind me. She put her arm around me and laid her head on my neck

"Yes, I was so worried that something was going to happen to you if I left you here alone" I said turning around so I could face her

"Awe Joey" Jess said as she hugged me

"I love you so much, even if I don't remember anything about you that well. I believe that we were dating, because you are so kind to me and love me, and just ahh you're so cute it's so unreal" she said with her cute little voice

"I love you so much more, you don't even know" I said hugging her tight

"AWEEEE" Zach and Charles said

A few minutes passed until a doctor came in and told us Jessica can go back home tomorrow afternoon.

"Yay I finally get to go back home to see Jasper again, even though he didn't really like me" she said with a little laugh

"oh gosh she's so adorable" I thought in my head

"Thanks" Jessica said laughing

"Did I say that out loud ?" I said looking around at everyone

"Loud and clear" Zach said

We all laughed a little and talked until we all got tired saying it's was about to be 6am.

"Yo guys I think me and Charles are gonna get going. We're really tired and I think you and Jessica should get some rest" he said

"Oh okay we'll get some rest and be careful guys" I said

Charles and Zach gave me and Jessica a hug before leaving a couple of minutes after they left Jessica fell asleep and so did I.

// hey guys :)) sorry for not posting in like a day or two I think 😂 but anyways I hope you guys are doing good 🙂 oh and thank you for 43k views and all the votes 💓 I love you all so much and thank you for staying with me. I really hope you guys still like the book :) 💞 well anyways goodnight dudes it's like 1:30 in the morning for me so I'm really tired. Once again, I love you guys so so so much 💕 (ps sorry for the short chapter)

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