Chapter thirteen;mistakes

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Joey's pov

I was searching for Jessica for a while when I decided to take a break and sit down for a minute. A bunch of thoughts were going through my head. Like what if I never get to be with Jessica? What if she ends up with someone else that makes her happier than I do?

All those questions kept going in my head and I started to feel dizzy and getting a weird feeling in my stomach.

I went back to go finding Jessica and when I found her I saw something that broke my heart in half, I saw her and Eddie kissing...

I stand still and watch them from a distance I feel my body go cold as if I was ready to faint but I managed to say a soft "Jess". I could feel a tear roll down my cheek onto the sandy floor. I felt as if I was the tear drop I felt to shattered.

I felt as if the girl I fell in love with, the girl that I felt as if I knew her forever, had just became a stranger to me.

I saw Jessica running up to me, I turned back and started walking away. She grabbed a hold of my shoulder I turned around to her. I could she her eyes starting to water. We just looked at each other for a moment but I remembered what she had just done. I take her hand off my shoulder and walk away.

I could here her calling out my name for me to listen to her and come back, I didn't listen I kept walking back to where everyone else was and didn't turn back.

Jessica's pov

I can't believe what had just happened... I totally blow it with Joey I don't know what I was thinking. Yes I kissed Eddie but it didn't mean anything all I felt was guilt. I was going to pull away but I thought u it was just going to be awkward if I did. I feel so bad now.

I just want to go home right now and die. I made the biggest mistake in my life. I felt my eyes water up and a tear fall down my cheek.

I wish I never came here in the first place. But then at the same time I do because then I would of never met Joey and Charles, my best friends.

All my thoughts stopped and I came back to reality and everything that had just happened hit me like a baseball bat hitting a baseball making a home run for the player.

I walked home and this time by myself and I felt a weird feeling, something I have never felt before. I also feel even worse because I just left Eddie there without saying anything.

Next thing I know I'm lost I have no idea where I am I've been walking more than an hour and I have a bunch of missed calls and messages. I didn't bother to check them, I just kept walking trying to hind my way back home.

Joey's pov

I decided not to go back with the others. I figured I would get too many question from everyone and it would make me feel pressured and cause me to have a panic and anxiety attack.

I started walking back to the apartment where I knew it would be peace and quiet. But I was wrong to my luck Jessica was also there. I figured if I acted like I didn't notice her she wouldn't bother me.

Jessica's pov

I finally found the apartment building and went inside I was out of luck when I saw Joey was here. I wanted to talk to him but at the same time I just wanted to ignore him and go to sleep so that's exactly what I did.

Joey's pov

I saw Jessica walking to the elevators there was more than one elevator so I took a different elevator even though I might see her when we get on our floor.

I pressed the button for my floor and the elevator door closed. When the elevator doors opened again I didn't see anyone I just heard a door shut close, it was probably Jessica.

I opened the door to my apartment and when inside I closed the door behind me and walked up to my room. I heard a door close but it didn't came from my apartment it was the one next door. I totally forgot that Jessica's room is on the other side of the wall from mine. I ignored it and fell asleep easily but with a lot on my mind.

// yay another chapter done I hope you guys liked this one it took me a while (not really maybe like 2 hours) I put a lot of thought into it and really expressed their feelings in this. Please comment what you think about this chapter and if I should do more like this:) Thank y'all sosososo much for the support on the book, thank y'all for voting on it and thank y'all for all the reads. I hope y'all had a Merry Christmas or a happy holiday❤️ remember to stay positive I love you guys so much thank you for all the support💛

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