chapter thirty eight

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joey's pov

i was woken up by the rays of sun coming through the window . i tried to focus on the clock to see what time it was but i was too tired . i sat up straight and rubbed my eyes a few times , after just sitting there and looking at nothing i finally got my mind together and saw what time it was 9:43 am .

"ugh i only got like 5 hours of sleep" i thought in my head

i looked over and saw jess still sleeping . i texted the new group chat i made a few days ago with everyone (new and old characters) "the ugly ducklings" of course weston named the group chat and always sent pictures of rubber ducks when we were talking about serious stuff .

group chat :

joey : are you guys ready for today ?

weston : image : *rubber duck holding up a sign that reads 'totally dude'*

mario : classic but me too ^

ariel : i just woke up come on -_-

blake : ^

eddie : tyler wears butt pads

tyler : bitch my shit natural , i ain't no malu 😘

loren : tru ^

hunter : *screenshots*

joey : guys 😑 come on jess leaves the hospital soon ! i want to surprise her

brandon : okay romeo , what do we do

blake : this gc lit

joey : just get things that you have at a surprise party


jacob : okay then 💀

charles : i'll bring whatever just tell me what to bring

zach : I CALL CAKE !!!!!!!

joey sends a list of things got get for the surprise party and everyone started picking things to bring from the list

mark : wait i wasn't told we were making jess a surprise party ....

// OKAY LITTE AWKWARD ... but anyways how are you guys ? :)) i know i said i was gonna update years ago sorry i'm not busy it's just i've been going though some things lately and it's been getting tough , i hope y'all can understand :( i love you all and thank you so much for the support on the book ❤️ i'll be updating more soon :-)

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