chapter ten;the beach

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Joey's pov

While we were heading towards the beach Jessica was talking to Mario, Jacob, Cat, Eddie, Tyler, Weston, Charles and Brandon.

Zach was talking with Ariel, Hunter, Mark and Blake

Loren was next to me talking about how her makeup is slaying today but I didnt pay very much attention to what she was saying.

I was too busy admiring Jessica. She was so pretty and her smile was perfect she could kill with her looks to be honest.

"Joey...hey Joey are you paying attention" Loren said snapping her fingers in front of my eyes

"Oh uh yeah sorry I was distracted" I said rubbing the back of my neck

"Oh ok but anyways as I was saying it took me 3 hours to fini.....blah blah blah" was all I heard before going into my day dreaming

Jessica's pov

"Omg Jess you totally have to tell me where you get your clothes because I love your outfit" Cat said admiring my outfit

"You could come shopping with me someday if you want, but you have to tell me how you slay your makeup" I said smiling over at Cat

"Really that would be so awesome and of course I'll show you even though your make up is more better than mine" she said clapping her hands together really fast

"Yea your makeup is A1" Mario said putting his arm around me

"Aww thanks Mario" I said messing up his hair

"No problem Jess I'm going to be like your bestfriend. I'm always going to be here to help you out on everything" Mario said smiling down at me

"Thanks mario" I said smiling back at him

"Jess what kind of social media's do you have?" Brandon asked me

"Oh I have Instagram, Twitter, , Younow, and Snapchat" I said trying to remember them all

"What's your username?" Tyler asked me pulling out his phone and then everyone pulled their phones out

"Well my Instagram is jessicaxclayton so is my Twitter, my is itzjessclayton so is my Snapchat and Younow" I said to all of them

"There you go Eddie now stop asking me because I just met her" Tyler said laughing

"OOOOOO" everyone said referring to that they found out that Eddie liked me even I started laughing

"Hey guys we're here!!1!!1" Hunter said jumping up and down pointing at the beach

"YAYAYAYA" everyone started running towards the beach

The boys took their shirts off and started running towards the water. While the girls just sat in the sand and watched the boy play chicken and tried drowning them selfs.

It was such a nice day. You could feel the nice breeze blowing in your face and blowing through your hair.

Suddenly Joey came over and picked me up bridal style and started walking towards the water.

"No Joey put me down" I said trying to get out of Joey's arms

"Nope I can't do that" Joey said smirking

"Joey please I dont want to get wet" I said starting to laugh

"Too late" Joey said walking into the ocean and getting me wet

"Ugh I hate you Joey" I said looking over at him

"Nah you love me" Joey said laughing causing me to laugh

"MARIO PUT ME DOWN THIS ISN'T FUNNY" I heard Cat say before getting thrown into the water by Mario, who is now on the floor laughing his ass off

"ZACH NO STOP I DONT WANT TO.." Ariel said but was cut off by getting thrown into the water by Zach

Zach and Mario managed to get up from laughing and started high-fiving each other.

Everyone soon was in the ocean and started having fun. I was mostly playing around with Joey but I saw that Mark hasn't talked to me since we left in n out. He looked a little upset when I saw him.

I went over to him and said "hey"

"oh um hey Jess how's it going" Mark said looking around avoiding eye contact

"pretty good but why aren't you hanging out with us" I asked Mark

"I'm just not feeling it today thats all" he said looking over my shoulder

Mark's pov

I was talking to Jessica for I while but I didnt want to talk to her because of what happened in the restroom with Joey earlier today.

I looked over Jessica's shoulder and saw Joey looking straight at me with a mad face

"Oh um Jess I'm just going to go hang out with Hunter, Brandon, and Blake if you dont mind" I said quickly trying to get away from Jessica to not start anything

"Oh well ok I'm going to be with Joey so if you need me you know where to find me" Jessica said looking a little upset

//oml I missed you guys so much but im so sorry for not updating as much but I think I'll start updating more often ilygsm and thank y'all for everything y'all have done for me:)❤

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