chapter three;helping?

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Joey's pov

Me and Charles just got back from watching a movie. The movie was pretty cool. We were in the elevator waiting for it to get to our floor.

"Hey want to order some pizza?" Charles asked still looking at his phone screen

"Yeah bro, maybe we should broadcast too." I said

"Yeah this broadcast is going to be lit." he said while putting his phone in his pocket.

After a few seconds the elevator dinged (😂).

Jessica's pov:)

When the elevator opened I saw those two kids from today again...

"Hey whats up?" the kid with light brown hair said (Charles)

"Hey and nothing much I guess" I said making eye contact with him.

"Well we'll see you later or something" he said then walked away with that other boy.

How rude he didnt even say anything. Its not like I I? I walked into the elevator and pushed the top floor button. When I got to the pool it was beautiful I could see the whole view of LA. I just looked around there and I looked at the view for a good 10 minutes.

I jumped on top of the ledge of the ceiling and looked down it never really scared me to look down anymore saying I was a person that liked to climb large buildings and stuff. I got pretty famous for posting videos of me climbing buldings and hanging on to things for a while without letting go or falling.

I know doing that puts me in a lot of danger and could be me ending up dying but I've done this so many times its a habit I cant stop doing.

Joey's pov

"Bro the pizza isn't going to be here until another 30 minutes" Charles said putting his phone away.

"Alright but I'm going to go get some fresh air outside." I told him getting off the couch.

"I'll call you when the food gets here." Charles said

"Thanks and try not to eat it all before I get here." I said laughing

"Ok I'll try." he said laughing as well.

I shut the door behind me and started walking to the elevator. Once I got on the elevator I pressed the top floor button. I walked out of the elevator and walked to the door that led to the roof/pool. I pushed the door and looked up and saw that same girl from today on the ledge of the roof...

Jessica's pov:)

"NOOO STOP." is all I heard before tunring around and being swooped down of the ledge.

I got swooped into the pool and I swam back to the top of the pool.

And there he was again the boy from earlier...apologize boy.


"Hey calm down it wasn't your fault and what do you mean you were just trying to help?" I asked

"Well you know I was just trying to help. I thoug." I cut him off in the middle of his sentence.

"Wait you thought I was going to jump are you serious?" I said laughing and getting out of the pool.

"Yeah it looked like you were." he said and following me out of the pool.

"No I wasn't I dont think like that.( a/n I'm not hating on people that do that stuff if you know what I mean? Idek) I actually do stuff like that. You know?." I say to him

"Umm I don't understand what your saying." he said

I explain everything that I do like climbing bulidings and things and I could tell by his expression that he thinks I'm crazy for doing those things.

"Oh well that's pretty cool and crazy at the same time." he said laughing a bit.

"Yeah but I have to get back I need to take a shower and its starting to get cold." I said shivering.

"Same but umm do you want to hang out with me and my friend today were gonna order some pizza and just hang out a bit?" he said.

By the way he said it I could tell that he was nervous to ask me.

"Yeah sure I'll just go get ready and meet you back at your apartment"I said to him

"Sure and I don't think I got your name." he said with a little smile at the end.

"Oh sorry my name is Jessica but just call me Jess" I said to him

"My name is Joseph but just call me Joey" he said mocking me

"Alright so you want it that way" I tell him

"I'm just joking chill" he said laughing

"Whatever but now I have a actual name to give you" I said

"Yeah me too" he told me

"I'm gonna go now I'll meet you back at your apartment" I told him walking away

"Hey not even a hug?" he asked smiling innocently.

"Ughh fine" I said walking over to him with my arms open.

"Yay" he said hugging me

He wouldn't stop hugging me but it felt nice. We stood there hugging for like 30 seconds every like 5 seconds he would squeeze me harder but like in a good way. Not in the way that I'm practically praying for air.

While we were hugging he said " you smell really good" "ahah your not so bad yourself Joseph" I said giggling. AKSIESKIR AFTER I SAID THAT HE KISSED MY CHEEK.

Once he noticed what he did he pulled away from the hug so fast :( "Oh umm I'm sorry I dont know what got into me" he said

"Nono its ok really but I really should be going I'll see you later." I said walking away awkwardly

"Bye I'll see you later" he said yelling since I was already inside

A/n 1006 words. Sorry I only got to get one more chapter up this weekend. I'll make sure to be more active on this book ilysm💘

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