Chapter twenty

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Zach's pov

I put a blind fold on Jessica and take her in the direction the place I am going to take her is. We were walking for about 20 mins until we made it.

I noticed that Jess hasn't been doing what she loves for a while and I wanted her to keep on going with her dreams.

"Okay Jess go ahead and take the blindfold off" I said while stepping back

"Zach omfg" she said while taking off her blindfold

"You like it" I said while smiling

"Oh course how did you know I wanted to come here" she said while hugging me

"Because you always talk about how you wanted to climb this building" I say while

"Well then what are we waiting for let's go" Jess said while running towards the building

I run after her but she's already climbing the building and hanging off of the edge Jessica asks me to take a picture of her while hanging from the building. I take the picture and she posted it on instagram.

(A/N I know it's a boy but just pretend it's Jessica I couldn't find a picture of a girl haha)

❤10,374  💭1,437@/jessicaxclayton: back to what I love doing the most :)Comments:@/itsjoeybirlem: as long as it makes you happy❤@/charlesgitnick: ooo^@/birlemlove: @/itsjoeybirlem favs @/itseddiesean: :(@/itstylerbrown: what's wrong with him^

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10,374 💭1,437
@/jessicaxclayton: back to what I love doing the most :)
@/itsjoeybirlem: as long as it makes you happy
@/charlesgitnick: ooo^
@/birlemlove: @/itsjoeybirlem favs
@/itseddiesean: :(
@/itstylerbrown: what's wrong with him^

"Come on Jess let's do more stunts" I said while motioning her to come

"Alright I'm coming" She said while putting her phone in my pocket

"Should we hang on from this edge" I said while pointing at it

"Why not" she said while shrugging her shoulders

Jessica wanted to go first so I was watching her incase she slipped or something saying that were like 40 feet up but that's not high for me and Jess.

She was gladly hanging on and looking out at the view you couldn't see much but it was okay. I pulled my phone out to take a snapchat of Jessica but snapchat wouldn't hurry up and load.

Jessica's pov

I was hanging from the edge of the building when I saw Zach pull out his phone I knew he was going to snapchat so I hold up a peace sign.

I thought I was going to be able to hold my body with just one arm so that's when it hit me.  All I remember is saying Zach's name really loud but he was to late.

//hello my dudes sorry for the vv late update I'll try to be more active and I know this is short but I just wanted to get the chapter up so here ya go hope y'all aren't mad :)💛

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