chapter forty eight

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jess's pov

" it shouldn't be that bad jess we haven't even gotten to school yet " charles said laughing a bit

"you're right , but joey's already starting to talk to other people and act like i'm not there when he's talking to them" i said throwing my hands up in the air

"jess you're stressing out for no reason , just take a deep breath and let it out" he said

i took a deep breath and kept doing that until i was calm again

"feel any better ?" he said

"just a little" i said looking up at him

"haha you'll be fine jess don't worry" he said rapping his arm around my head

"bro!" we heard someone say behind us

we turned around and saw joey with a confused look on his face

"oops sorry" charles said letting go of me

"much better" joey said and continued talking to sam

"ugh" i said

"calm down jessica, everything will be okay" charles said

"WAIT LEMME SEE YOUR SCHEDULE" charles screamed in a high pitch voice which i've never heard him do

i handed him my schedule and he pulled out his

"yoooo we have like 5 classes together that's so lit!!" he said very excited

"wow watch us get separated in every class" i said

"harsh" joey said rapping his arm around my shoulder and getting in between me and charles

"i'll take that" he said taking my schedule out of charles's hands and taking his out

"well, will you look at that. we have literally every class together except for 2 hehe almost like i went to the school to make our schedules the same" joey said looking down at me and winking

"ugh joeyyy" i said

"you're such an ass-" i said until joey presses his lips against mine

"shh, some guy was checking you out had to show him who you belong to" he said

"omg, joey!" i said annoyed

"what? too much? and i kinda just wanted to" he said smiling

that smile, ugh i can't be mad at him

"it's fine" i said

"now come on we're gonna be late for algebra" he said grabbing my hand

"you too charles let's go!!" he said giving charles hand motions to come

"bye sam, see you around!" he said waving and her

she just gave him a smile and then looked at me and gave me a disgusted look

oooh i hate that girl

"come sit with me jess" joey said, leading me to an empty table for me and him

charles just walked behind us the whole time, he sat at the table beside us with this girl that was just sitting there drawing something in her journal

contest: comment down your name and how you look if you want to be this girl, she plays a big role ;) !! and comment your personality your mood most of the time and things you like :) (i'll be having more contest through out this book so be on the lookout for them, winner is chosen randomly from a box!)

charles's pov

"hey is it okay if i sit here?" i said to the girl sitting by herself

"yeah sure! i needed a buddy anyways" she said smiling

"haha" i said smiling back

*bell rings*

"okay, settle down, settle down" the teacher said waiting for us to be quiet

"thank you. i am mrs parker" she said pointing at her name on the board

i got bored very quick and looked over at the girl next to me

she was drawing a rose and it was so beautiful

"hey, nice rose" i said to her smiling

"it could be better but thanks" she said smiling back

//600 words woahhh lets get it :) anywaysss hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and it felt good being able to write for this book. i love you guys so much and i don't say it enough💘. remember to comment if you want to be the girl :)

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