chapter forty nine

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charles's pov

" i'm charles by the way " i said trying to start a conversation

" oh nice to meet you, i'm jamie " she said

" are you new here ? i've never seen you around before " she asked

" yes, i've been homeschooled for a while but then i decided to come to public schools because like why not " i said laughing

" oh must be nice, public schools are the worst especially the people " she said rolling her eyes a bit

" oh but anyways, you want to be my first friend here ? " i said smiling

" of course, i'll love to " she said smiling back

" excuse me, but i don't think y'all heard me say NO talking but since you're talking now would one of y'all like to stand up and tell me what's so important about y'alls conversation " said the teacher looking straight at me & jamie

i didn't hesitate & got up out of my chair

" well you see mrs parker, i was talking to jamie about if she wanted to be my first friend here because she's a wonderful person so far but i am truly sorry to interrupt your class " i said to her sitting back down

i heard joey & jess giggling beside me, i just glared at them & they got quite

yeah that's right show some respect

joey's pov

before i knew it class was over & i was already exhausted but my phone kept blowing up w/ tweets. fans saw me walk into school & of course i knew at least a few fans would be here but i didn't think this many would be here.

i was holding jess's hand out of class & into the hallway, the whole group would meet at our lockers since they were so close to each other


that was a bad idea.

fan girls left to right started gathering around us & filled the hallway. next thing we knew, we were all slammed close to our lockers & couldn't move anywhere.

i could tell jess was uncomfortable & was probably having trouble breathing because of how short she was.

it wasn't until the principal came out & shouted at everyone to get to class

we were left standing there, the principal looked straight at us & motioned us to follow him

" awh come on, i cant get in trouble on the first day " jess said throwing her hands up in the air

charles's pov

maybe, jess was right.

// hey, look did i surprise y'all ? yup i know " jessica where the heck have you been " well you could say that i've been slacking a lot & school has beaten me up but i'm glad i found some time to update this book but i don't think anyone would actually read it anymore due to my inactivity plus i'm in track which makes me stay after school & ugh it's just a mess. i'll try to update y'all here & there thank you for everyone that still reads this book and shows support, it doesn't go unnoticed i love you guys💘

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