chapter thirty nine

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joey's pov

group chat :

mark : wait i wasn't told we were making jess a surprise party ....

blake : dang

loren : joey , you didn't tell him ?

weston : *image of rubber duck with an 'oh no' face*

joey : oh my bad i probably just forgot to tell you , it was kinda late at night and i wasn't thinking right . sorry dude

the truth is i didn't really want to invite mark after everything that happened a while ago and him with jess , i just feel like it's going to happen again so i didn't invite him . i must of accidentally added his contact into the gc . smart joey smart .

mark : oh okay haha , so when's the party ?

cat : today around 5ish something like that

joey : yeah what cat said , depending on if the hospital will hang on to jess a little longer than expected

mark : oh okay i'll get some roses or something :-)

ariel : that's a great idea jess loves flowers

joey : she sure does , well i have to go now just get the stuff ready and i'll text y'all when i'm on my way :-) thanks guys ❤️

everyone else in the group chat goes and gets the things for the surprise party and gets everything set up .

i heard jess moving around in the hospital bed a bit so i looked over and saw her starting to wake up .

"goodmorning princess" i said walking over to her

"goodmorning jojo" she said smiling at me

i gave her a kiss on the cheek and she smiled even biggest

"i love your smile , i love everything about you , you're so perfect" i said running my hand through her hair

"eww no i just woke up i look like trash , not to mention i'm not wearing makeup" she said covering her face with the blanket

"yeah i'm throwing all your makeup away if you don't let me see your beautiful face" i said trying to take the blanket

"you wouldn't" she said

"ahh but i will , i don't see why you even wear makeup your perfect without it . i'm going to find the person who came up with makeup and beat them up" i said to her smiling

"why ?" she said giggling

"because i hate when you wear makeup and if it wasn't for the person who made makeup you wouldn't be wearing it all the time" i said

"you hate when i wear makeup ?" she asked me

"of course i do , no boyfriend wants to see their beautiful girlfriend cover their flawless beautiful face with useless makeup" i told her

"awh joey" she said smiling at me

"you're perfect just the way you are , i didn't fall in love with the way you look with makeup . if i did i would always ask you to put on your makeup , but what kind of asshole tells their girlfriend to put makeup on ? i love your natural face , i love the way it glows , i love your little freckles , i love your eyebrows , i love your lips , i love your eyes , i love your natural hair , i love everything about you there's nothing to hate about your face , i love it , i love you" i told her

"jo you're going to make me cry , i love you too baby" she said hugging me and kissing my cheek

"anything to make you understand you're beautiful the way you are" i told her

// two chapters one night ?? woah that's not like me ! haha i wanted to give y'all two chapters because i probably won't be updating tomorrow . anyways it's 2:52 am for me goodnight babes ❤️

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