I keep bumbing into people

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This is what Malia looks like⤴️⤴️

Malia's POV

I wake up my alarm going off I grown and shut it. I lay in bed an extra 20 minutes I get but take a long nice shower I leave my blue hair out wavy...yes I have blue hair bright blue too I change into my high waisted shorts and a crop top saying "I'm allergic to basic" I put my sued brown hat on and get my combat boots on and get my bag and get my keys and leave.

I get to my dumb school yes I say dumb because I hate school I get out and go inside of the school I walk to my locker and get my books. I turn and see my best friend Maya Carson "hey bitch" I say she chuckles Maya is really pretty she has brown eyes and she died her hair a bleached blonde but she looks really good she's more she's really skinny and not too short or too tall.

"Hey" she replies. "So is the sleepover thingy at your house tonight?" She asks I nod.

"Yeah" I say we usually have this thing every Friday we go to one of each others house and eat junk food and watch movies. I get my things and close my locker the bell rings. "See you later" I say she nods and we go out separate ways.

I walk into my history class a little late I shrug it off and go and sit. I focus on the teacher tiredly and bored out of my mind as he teaches the lesson.


It's lunch I sit with Maya "so Maya I realized my life has been really boring lately it's annoying help me I need drama I need something" I say he laughs.

"You don't want drama Malia believe me you get annoyed and just tell people how it is so I don't think you want drama" she says.

"I want something my life's so ordinary" I say.

"Get a boyfriend" she says I scoff.

"Ha yeah sure i don't like anyone" I say.

"Yeah but it's called a date" she says.

"Yes I know" I say "now maya stop trying to get me on dates because every guy you pick is rather an asshole or just plain annoying" I add.

"Well just deal with it then no drama for you" she says.

"Now I'm gonna leave because the bell will ring in a little" I say getting my drink with I turn around and walk I to someone my drink splatters all over the persons shirt. I look up and smile because it's the one and only Ian Carter my brother. I laugh so hard the whole cafeteria is watching us he's fuming I'm still laughing.

"You think this is funny Malia" he says angrily.

"It's so hilarious" I laugh. "Whatever go shirtless it's not like every girl in the school hasn't seen you shirtless" I say he got more angry I laugh more. I turn an see maya laughing I hear one guy laugh look and it's at the one and only Grayson Mathews table one of his friends.

"Maybe watch where your going next time dumb ass" he says i snap my head back to his direction.

"Ian don't hate me cause you ain't me so stop acting like I ruined your life so what some coke on your shirt what's the biggy it'll dry" I say he rolls his eyes fuming with anger.

"Get the hell out of my way" he says.

"You know being an angry person isn't the best solution in life you should fix the anger issues" I yell as he walks away.

"And you should shut the fuck up" he yells back.

"Nah I think I'm good" I yell again I know he's rolling his eyes lots of people were laughing I laugh again. "Maya did you see him" I say as I laugh even harder. "He's such a dick" I say walking backward and bumping I to another person. "What is with me today" I say to myself and turn to see Grayson Mathews he's the mysterious bad boy in the school and he's very hot not the most popular but lots of girls want him look at him they say my brother is though. He looks down at me he always has his smirk plastered on his face. "Sorry" I say plainly.

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