Finally admit it

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Day of road trip

Malia's POV

"Wake up" I hear a deep voice say I groan. "Mal wake the fuck up" now I know it's Grayson I throw a pillow. "Wake up we have to leave" he says. I groan and get up I punch him in the chest.

"No one wakes me up" I say annoyed he chuckles.

"You're hot when you're angry" he says.

"Shut up" I say and go to my closet I take my loose white shirt and some comfy short shorts we'll be in the car so I wan to be comfy I put that on. I grab my phone and charger and earphones. "Grab my bag" I tell Grayson's he groans and grabs it.

"Bye everyone good to know you love me" I say to no one because my parents or Ian isn't there I roll my eyes. "Isn't it amazing how much they care" I smile.

"Astonishing" he says.

"Who knew Grayson Mathews new a big word like that" I say he rolls his eyes.

"Bitch" he says I glare at him chase and Aaron are here. We get into the car.

"Hello thing one and thing two" I say to Aaron and chase.

"Hello" Aaron says chase shakes his head.

"Hey Mal" he says. He starts the car and leaves.

"So why is everyone oddly quiet this lovely...afternoon" I say.

"No reason" Grayson says "they're idiots" he adds bitterly.

"So chase what did you do?" I ask he chuckles.

"Why I'd it wasn't me" he asks.

"Because you and Grayson are like this close" I say crossing my fingers. "So he would more likely be mad at you more" I say he sighs.

"Ok fine he has to know I regret this so much...IsleptwiththegirlheabsolutlyhatesandHehatesmenow" he says really fast.

"I did not get one word you said" I say.

"I slept with the girl Grayson absolutely hates and now he hates me" he says slower. I sigh and shake my head.

"You idiot...who is the girl" I ask.

"Stacey" he says.

"Stacey, stacey" I ask he nods. "Why do you hate her" I look at him.

"She's an annoying bitch that made me and Stella almost break up because se acted like I was making out with her when I really hated everything and I pushed her off and you get the drift" Grayson says I nod.

"Oh my god chase it's a cardinal rule not to sleep with your best friends enemy" I say Grayson nods.

"Ok I'm sorry I was wasted I didn't know what I was doing" he complains.

"Ok but still chase what the fuck you know I've hated her for 2 years everyone in this damn car hates her and you went and fucked her" Grayson says angrily.

"Ok I'm sorry Grayson I couldn't even see clear I only knew I slept with her when I saw her in the bed" he says.

"Of course you were dumb enough to drink so much you can't see" Grayson yells he pulls over chase turns to look at him.

"Grayson I said sorry a billion times I meant it ok I was stupid I know so stop being a fucking dick and get over it I totally regret everything I've don't that night" chase yells back.

"fuck you chase I thought you'd know better" Grayson yells. "God I've always thought you were the guy always there for me was I wrong I was so fucking wrong" Grayson adds. Chase looks hurt.

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