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That Malia's bathing suit⤴️⤴️

Malia's POV

"Princess wake up" I hear Grayson's voice I groan.

"No" I mumble in my pillow.

"Yes we have to leave today you need to get your shit chase is waiting outside with Aaron" he says.

"Ugh it's so early" I say.

"Yes I know but c'mon" he says. I groan and get up.

"Leave I need to change" I say.

"You already changed in front of me" he says.

"Yeah not naked" I say.

"Ok my eyes are closed" he says.

"If you dare to peak I'll kill you" I say he nods I look through my closet for a bathing suit and choose my black one it criss crosses I put that on.

"Are you done yet" he asks.

"Almost" I says and put my shorts and a tank top.

"Good" I say he opens his eyes.

"Ok let's go they're outside" he says I realize he's dressed I nod and we go.

We go outside and I see chase and Aaron smile when they see me I smile. We hop in.

"Hey Mal" they both say.

"Yeah hi to you to you guys like Malia better than me" Grayson says.

"Who doesn't like me better" I say.

"Well sorry dude she's not as how do I say it rude" Aaron says. I laugh.

"Haha Aaron" Grayson says bitterly.

"Hey don't be like that I'm just better than you it's not that bad" I say he glares at me coldly. "Calm down dude I'm joking" I say.

"Whatever" he says.

"Dude calm down ok what's up your butt cause whatever it is it's sideways" I say. He holds back a laugh.

"Shut up Mal" he says.

"You're about to laugh so you shut up" I say.

"Whatever" he says he smirks his cocky smirk.

"So how long is this drive?" I ask.

"2 hours" chase says I look at Grayson.

"You told me an hour idiot" I say.

"Ok an hour over not that much of a difference" he says.

"Besides 60 minutes" I say.

"Ok nerd" he says

I'm not a nerd everyone knows there's 60 minutes in a hour" I say annoyed.

"Bitch" he says.

"Say it again I dare you" I say angrily.

"Bitch" he says.

"Ok so first you think you can wake me up this early in the fricken morning and now you call me a bitch" I say mad.

"It's one in the fucking afternoon" he says back.

"I sleep late asshole" I say.

"There is a lot of colorful words being said here" chase says.

"Shut up" Grayson and I in sync.

"Wow sorry" he say putting his hand up in defense his other hand is on the wheel driving.

"What's with you this morning you are rude" I say.

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