Its our secret

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Malia's POV

I walk into the school my hat on my hair loose down. I go to my locker and get my things. I turn and Maya's there.

"Hey bitch" I say he laughs and smiles in return. We walk.

"So last night I texted you what happened?" She asks.

"Sorry I was busy so what happened was-" I was cut off by a guys voice.

"Hey sexy ladies" Aaron says.

"Hey hot men" I say they chuckle. It was kinda weird between maya and Aaron now I think he likes her and I think she likes him. "Hold my books for me i need to tie my show" I say giving Aaron my books am sve sing to tie my shoe. I get back up and take them. "Thank you" I say. The bell rings. "See you guys at lunch c'mon gray" I say he looks at me weirdly. "It's a new nickname that I can only say" I say he chuckles.

"Fine" he says and we go off to class.


It's lunch I sit with fries eating them. "I think I'm in love with fries" I say looking at them lovingly.

"And you don't even like me" Grayson says.

"I like you I hang out with you I just think I'm in love with fries they're amazing" I say he chuckles shaking his head and in the cafeteria walks in Stacey and her minions she glares at me I smile.

"You're weird" Grayson says.

"Yes I know and I like it" I say. "Did this actually happen or was it a dream you saw me singing and dancing I just realize how embarrassing that is" I say and stop eating my fries.

"It was real you dance like a freak" he says.

"Hey that's not my normal dancing that's my I don't care dancing" I say.

"When did this happen" maya asks confused.

"Yesterday" we both say.

"None of you heard this I don't want to talk about it I was full on singing and full on dancing it was embarrassing and I was only wearing my sports bra and short shorts" I say they all laugh.

"That's the least of it Mal" he says I push him.

"Shut up" I say.

"I have a video" he adds my head snaps in his direction.

"Delete it my voice sucks when I have earphones on please" I say giving him my puppy dog eyes.

"" he says.

"You're such a dick...he was actually himself yesterday and he took me to..." He shuts my mouth by Putin his hand on it.

"No one needs to hear about that Mal it's a secret" he says his hand still there I lick it he doesn't move.

"Move" I say but it sounds like "moose".

"Stay here ok that's fine" he says. I pick again.

"You know I don't mind licking Mal I do it a lot when-" cut him off I take his hand and his death grip and rip it off of me.

"Shut the fuck up no one wants to hear it" I say.

"Yeah well to bad when I have sex" he finishes.

"I hate you" I say.

"Yeah right I'm amazing" he says.

"You wish I though that" I say.

"No because I already know" he says. I roll my eyes and keep eating.

"So what I was gonna say is he took me-" he puts his hand on my mouth again.

"I said it's a secret for fucks sake" he say everyone seems confused. I take the hand off.

"You scared it'll ruin your reputation" I ask.

"No but it's a secret between us" he says I sigh and give up.

"Whatever" I say and keep eating.


It's the end of the day I grab my things. And shut my locker. And then before leave someone grabs my wrist and pulls me back it's Grayson.

"Sorry about lunch it's just I didn't want them to know because I thought it'd be between us you know a me ad you think" he says.

"I get it" I say.

"Good I thought you were mad" he says.

"Take this back did you say sorry I've never heard that" I say with a smile.

"Shut up" he says I laugh.

"Ha you said sorry" I say sing as I walk away and bump into someone he laughs I fall on my ass. "My ass is broken I swear stop laughing dick" I say and look at the person it's a random guy. "Sorry" we both say I shrug he leaves.

"Don't laugh dick I think my ass is literally broken hard" I say he's like on the floor and he's laughing people look at us then I start laughing too hard. People look at us we do this sometimes randomly laugh. We are both on the floor laughing.

After out laugh session we both left I go into my room. There's a knock at my door is open it it's Ian. "What?" I ask.

"Why are you friends with that asshole Grayson" he says.

"Um because I am" I say he fumes and looks past me.

"This I guess wasn't the best time to come" Grayson says a sly smirk on his face he doesn't seem to mind Ian's angriness. Or he doesn't look scared.

"Why are you here" Ian says.

"I live next door just visiting princess" he says he hasn't called me that in a while I shrug it off.

"Fuck off Mathews" Ian says.

"Ian just leave my room" I say he huffs and leave Grayson's smirk never leaves.

"Princess?" I question he shrugs.

"Yeah I remembered when we first met or second time and I called you princess I like it" he says.

"I don't" I say.

"Whatever" he says.

"So why are you here" I ask looking through my clothes.

"Wanna go to the beach with me Aaron and chase Saturday?" He asks.

"Sure yeah" I say.

"This beach is far because it's more secluded" he says I shrug and I take out my shorts and a loose crop top so I can put on.

"Is it weird if I changed in front of's just that your a fried I don't mind" I say he looks taken back.

"Yeah it's fine" he says I nod I slip off my pants and shirt then I get my shorts and slide those on and I take the crop top and put it on and look at Grayson he's just staring at me. "Take a picture it'll last longer" I say he snakes out and his cheeks redden a little. "Sorry" he says embarrassed awwww he's so cute right now.

"It's fine so should I bring maya or would it be awkward with her and Aaron" I ask.

"It would be awkward but if you want to yeah sure" he says I nod we talk for a little then he leaves.

It's dark now I change into my pajamas and before I took a shower I'm Latin in bed looking through my Instagram and then I soon fall asleep.

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