I love her.

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I wake up to a alarm and turn to look around its Grayson's room. He doesn't even wake up no wonder I turn the alarm off. Groaning. I kiss Grayson I feel him smile in the kiss he pulls me close kissing back. I pull away.

"Morning" he says.

"Morning and bye I gotta change" I say.

"Ugh why isn't it still summer" he groans his hand interlocked with mine.

"I know...but cmon" I say he nods. I get up again. "See you later" I say and hop out and into my room I change and do everything I need to and then I grab my bag and leave. Grayson picks me up and we leave.

We get to school I go to my locker and grab my things.

Grayson's POV

...second day of school...I don't want to do this I just wanna be with mal and that's all. She doesn't even get how I feel about her...just looking at her makes me want to grab her and kiss her. I go to my locker getting my things. I turn to see chase and Aaron.

"Second day...surviving so far...so wanna skip" chase asks.

"No it's the second day of school" I say.

"Has that ever stopped Grayson Mathews" he says I shrug.

"No but...lets just not today" I say they just nods. We start walking after I close my locker I see malia laughing at something Maya told her god she looks great she's wearing her jeans and a tank top so ordinary but still looks super hot. She grabs her books and shuts her locker she's smiling I love her smile...it just makes my day and it's weird because this isn't me I'm acting like a total weirdo that's in love oh god...I'm being so cheesy...no...no why does she do this to me...oh my fricken god...I am so fricken in love it's not good. We keep walking I gulp shit.

"Hey guys" she says with a smile that makes me smile too.

"Hey" we all say.

"Hold these for me while I fix my shoe" she says putting her books on top of mine I just stand there as she tied her shoe she gets up. "Thank you" she says about to take them.

"I can carry them if you want" I say the guys ahead of us she nods.

"Thanks" she says and kisses my cheek. We start catching up to them maya standing here too. I look at Maya and Aaron. And then back at malia. "We need to set them up" malia whispers to me in her tippy toes trying to reach me.

"Yeah I know" I reply.

"Aaron...Maya wanna come to dinner with me and gray" she says.

"But then you too will be all up on each other and then we will be like sitting there disgusted" they both say.

"Yeah and what about me dicks" chase says. I nudge him. "Ooooow" he groans.

"No we won't...just meet us...at Lorenzo's pizzeria" she says. "Friday" she adds she looks suspicious but nod.

"How's that a set up if we're there?" I ask her.

"We won't show up" she whispers back oh I nod. We get to mine and malias class and sit. She takes her books. Then that mason guy walks in and sits down behind Malia my jaw clenches then Stacy walks in her annoying heals clattering oh god she sits beside me on the other side.

"Do you have a pencil I could borrow?" She asks.

"No" I reply not looking at her.

"Are you sure o see your pencil case" she says.

"I don't have a pencil" I say annoyed.

"Ugh I think you do" she says.

"Sarah I don't have a pencil" I say.

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