Bonus chapter

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Bonus Chapter:

Grayson kisses me I'm currently laying on my bed. It's summer we graduated we have a month of summer break left then we have to leave for New York and NYU. But right now I'm not worrying and I'm just enjoying life.

His hands go to my waist as he kisses me. We've been good. Aaron and Maya got into a little fight and they aren't talking. Haha. But whatever now I'm just gonna think of Grayson and kissing him. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"You two are getting steamy. Live porn yum" I hear chases voice why. Again. We pull away.

"First off that's gross not yum. Second why are you always around to ruin it" I say he smiles.

"Well sorry I think you guys just have really bad timing and you're always doing it and you need to take a fricken break cmon we're going to the beach" he yells.

"You're annoying" I say pushing Grayson and getting off the bed. I go into my closet grabbing my bathing suit. I then go to the washroom and put it on then I put my shorts and a tank top over I come back out they're all talking. Grayson still laying on the bed.

"Guys you said we were going to the beach and we are because I need a serious tan so get your asses up and let's go" I say grabbing my phone and earphones putting it into my beach bag.

"Ok, I just need to change" Grayson said.

"Than go" I say. He gets up and leaves to change. We all go downstairs and wait for him.

He walks back soon and we all leave for the beach.

" it okay if I invite Maya?" I asked. Mainly talking to Aaron they all shrug.

I text her to meet us there.


We soon get there I lay my towel out and I take my clothes off and gens the tanning oil. I turn to see if the guys are there and they are there staring at me. Grayson smirking Aaron's and chase jaws slightly dropped.

"Don't you guys have anything better to do?" I asked. "And you might want to close your mouth or else you might catch flies" I said.

"It's summer, there aren't flies out" Grayson remarks.

"Don't be a smart ass" I say rolling my eyes. "Tell your friends to stop also or even take a picture it'll last longer" I say turning and putting the oil on me.

"Can I run your back?" Chase asked I turn to face him.

"No" I say.

"Yeah what the hell" Grayson glares at him. I then lay down and put my earphones in and tan and listen to music.

Minutes later my earphone is ripped out of my ear. I turn to see who did it. Maya.

"Hey" she says.

"No need to rip my earphone out of my ear like that" I say she lays next to me.

"You didn't tell me he was gonna be here" she says talking about Aaron.

"What'd you expect he's everywhere with us. Especially chase and Grayson" I say. They're in the water acting like little kids.

"Whatever" she sighs.

"What's even up with you two" I asked she shrugs.

"I'm still annoyed of him" she replied.

"You guys are confusing" I say.

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