Couple of hours my ass

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Malia's POV

Yeah a couple of hours my ass it's been the whole day. "So much for a couple of hours" I mutter.

"Ok so it's more than a couple of hours sorry I'm not a mechanic I don't know what to do" he says.

"Yeah I know" I say quietly chase and Aaron are sleeping in the back. "Why are they in the back if there's tents?" I ask he shrugs.

"They're weird" he says I chuckle.

"I'm gonna go get some air" I say opening the door and going out I close the door it's getting darker but it's nice a little windy not much I sigh and sit on the car looking out at the sky. I close my eyes but they open when I hear a door open and close.

"You ok mal?" I hear Grayson's voice I nod. "Look babe I'm sorry about this I know you're probably tired and wanna be home already" he says going in front of me in between my legs I shake my head.

"I'm fine it's ok at least I have you guys" I say he nods. He kisses me I wrap my hands around his neck his make there way to my waist. He pulls away.

"So uh who was that guy you were talking to earlier" he says I remember the guy that I drop penny water on.

"Uh just a random guy I spilt water on him" I say he nods. "Why?" I raise an eyebrow in amusement.

"Just asking" he says.

"Hmm yay asking to me it sounds like you're jealous" I say smiling.

"No I don't get jealous I'm not jealous why would I be when I was like way hotter and better than him" he says I laugh.

"You're jealous" I say smiling.

"No not even close stop saying that" he says.

"I think it's cute" I say playing with his hair.

"No it's not because I'm not jealous" he says I laugh.

"Don't lie to your self gray" I say.

"Don't call me gray it sounds weird" he whines.

"You don't like it gray" I copy his tactics he rolls his eyes playfully. "Grayson's jealous" I sing song.

"No I'm not so shut up" he says.

"Make me" I say laughing he kisses me I of course I kiss him back. It soon turns to a grate make out session.

"Can you guys not have sex on the hood of my car" we hear chase I laugh while Grayson scowls at him.

"Shut up chase" he says.

"Sorry but I don't want to (a) hear it (b) see it and (c) for it to be on my car" he says I just laugh while Grayson glares at him.

"Calm down nothing was gonna happen...especially not in front of you guys" I say.

"Well we were asleep so you never know" he says I roll my eyes.

" just shut up" Grayson says.

"Okay, okay sorry so should we set up tents?" He asks.

"Yeah get the flashlight" Grayson says.

"No it's late and dark and creepy out here" I say.

"Babe we can't all sleep in the car" Grayson says.

"Yes but I can so you guys can die me and Grayson are sleeping in the car" I say grabbing his Han and pulling him towards the car.

"Ok but don't do anything I wouldn't do" he says as he gets the tents for him and Aaron and they set there's up we grab a blanket. We get in the backs nod lay kinda squished together he wraps his arm around my waist.

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