New hair

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That's Malia's new hair⤴️⤴️

Malia's POV

I lay on Grayson's lap as we watch a movie. He's stroking his hands through my hair and it actually makes me tired. I start to drift.

"Babe you wanna go to bed you're starting to fall asleep" he shad I nod looking up at him I get up he shuts the tv and we go to the room. I lay in the bed covering myself and cuddling into the blanket. He turns the lights off and gets in bed too enveloping me into his arm I breath in his smell which I love and I soon fall asleep.


I wake up practically laying on top of Grayson his arms around me securely I hear his heart beat I just lay there liking the way we're laying right now. I feel like drifting again but then the phone rings I jump a little almost falling off the bed but Grayson catches me before I fall he helps me up.

"Thanks" I say he chuckles and nods.

"No problem you just really need to keep your balance babe" he says.

"Shut up" I says and grab the phone. "Hello" I answer.

"Hey sweetie I was just checking up" I hear my moms voice.

"Hey mom...I'm great how are you?" I ask.

"Great is everything ok there?" She asks.

"Yeah great" I reply nodding even though she can't see me.

"Ok just checking up gotta go bye love you" she says.

"Love you too bye" I say and turn the phone off. I sigh and sit down beside Grayson.

"How are they?" He asks me.

"Fine" I say "I do know why she checks up on me every fricken day she usually doesn't care" I say.

"Well maybe she thinks you're like having parties and stuff" he says.

"But I'm obviously not" I say he chuckles.

"I know" he says. I lean against him he kisses my forehead. "Whatever...wanna go out for breakfast?" He asks.

"Um sure" I say.

"Ok go change and do your things I'm gonna go do it to" he says I nod and go to the washroom I do my stuff then I change into some leggings and a top. He comes back his regular jeans and white shirt.

"Can we go to the hair salon?" I ask he looks confused.

"Why?" He asks.

"I want to die my hair black" I say.

"Oh...ok" he says and we leave.


We go to a little diner to eat breakfast and ordered eggs and bacon. Then we just walked around and now we're at the hair salon saying goodbye to my blue hair and hello to my black hair again.


It's down I'm back to black I look at myself it looks great different but nice. I turn to Grayson who's on his phone.

"So what do you think?" I ask he looks up.

"You look great" he says getting up.

"Really it's nice?" I ask he nods.

"Amazing...cmon" he says grabbing my hand he pays for me and we leave. I'm actually happy about my hair. It's nice now I look natural.

"So what do you want to do?" He asks turning me to face him our fingers still locked.

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