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Malia's POV

We kept walking after our pretty deep make out session. But we didn't find or see anything or anyone.

We finally get back and it's pitch black it's been like almost 2 hours.

I open the car door as does Grayson and we get in.

"Did you find anyone" chase asks.

"Does it look like we did" Grayson say sarcastically.

"Ok just asking" he say putting his hands up in defense. I look at the time.

8:30 it's been that long wow I'm exhausted. I lay out my legs on Grayson's lap. He makes patterns on my legs.

"So what should we do?" He asks.

"I don't know wait till someone passes they have o sometime" Grayson says I nod.

"Let's hope" chase says. I pull my phone out there's a message from Maya.

Maya: hey are you coming back soon?

Me: yeah

Maya: do you know when?

Me: no but soon the car stopped and we need to fix something.

Maya: oh must be weird with all those guys.

Me: not really there friends it's fine

Maya: oh well where are you?

Me: don't know but we'll find a way out and when I get back can we talk I don't want to say it over text but we need to talk.

Maya: what about.

Me: I told you not on text I'll tell you when we get back.

Maya: ugh fine gotta go text me more bitch you aren't texting me that much.

Me: haha sorry will do...bye love ya bitch.

Maya: you too.

I put my phone down Grayson's still doing patterns on my leg concentrating hard.

"You might want to stop concentrating on my leg so much and your little patterns your brain might burst" I say he looks up and smiles.

"Sorry just bored" he says.

"You don't have to be sorry" I say. "Just saying it's weird" I say.

"Well god Mal you are so confusing" he says I laugh.

"Just shut up" I say.

"You make no sense" he says.

"Whatever jut let me sleep" I say.

"At 8:00" he says.

"8:38" I say he chuckles I close my eyes. And soon I find myself drifting off to sleep. And soon I'm sleeping.


I wake up someone's arm around me of course it's Grayson. I lay there just cause it's cozy. I turn to face him he's already awake.

"What the hell" I say he smiles.

"Morning" he says.

"Morning how long were you looking at the back of my head?" I ask.

"I just woke up" he says I nod and smile. He just stares at me for a couple seconds then kisses me my shirt ha rode up a little and his warm hands make contact with my skin. We pull away. He puts my hair behind my ears this is like a new habit I smile.

"Is this gonna be a new thing putting my hair behind my ear?" I ask.

"If you want it to be" he says.

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