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Malias POV

I wake up sweating and breathless. I just had a nightmare. I breath heavily.

" okay?" I hear Grayson's groggily voice I turn to see the time 3:45.

"Yeah...just go back to bed" i say shakily.

"No what's up what happened?" He asks and sits up.

"Just a nightmare" I explain.

"About?" He questions.

"I don't know it didn't really go clear" I say.

"It'll be fine ok just a nightmare it's almost 4 let's go back to bed" he says and pulls me close and we lay back down I lay on his chest thinking about it. I can't remember but it was horrible. I shrug it off and fall back asleep.


I wake up my alarm blaring I groan and turn it off. Grayson's still asleep peacefully. I peck his lips he smiles an kisses me more I roll my eyes.

"Cmon we have to get ready" I say.

"Can we not go to school today?" He asks.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because...I just want to be here with you" he says.

"I know I'd love that too but we have to go" I say he sighs.

"Do we really?" He asks I peck his lips.

"Yeah" I say.

"Why?" He groans. "Cmon lets just stay in tonight" he says.

"You do this all the time lets go" I say he groans.

"I'm not moving" he replies.

"Well then I am" I say almost about to get up but his grip gets tighter around me I roll my eyes.

"Cmon...lets not do this...I have a test today we can stay home all day tomorrow" I say.

"Actually?" He asks I nod.

"Yes" I add he grins.

"Fine lets go" he says and he goes over to his house and changes and I change and then we leave.


We get to school I grab my stuff I turn and see Grayson standing there smiling I smile.

"Hey" I say after shutting my locker.

"Hey" he replies.

"Are you going to walk me to my class?" I ask he nods.

"Yes I will...babe" he says pecking my lips he intertwines our fingers. We get to my class I quickly kiss him and go into the class and sit this is the only class we don't have together.


It's lunch...I put my things away and I start walking to the cafeteria and from across the room I see Grayson helping someone pick up there books that were dropped...he's so different he's not a total sick anymore. I smile. He gets back up and looks at me and smiles I smile as well. He's so adorable he's wearing his jeans and a black shirt. I start walking again he gets me breathless. I catch up to him and we walk together.

We sit down everyone else is there. I eat my fries. Grayson wraps his arm around me.

"So Friday...sorry Malia I can't come over" Maya says.

"You always ditch me" I groan.

"Yeah I know sorry...but Aaron's meeting my parents" she says.

"Oh wow that's quick" Grayson and I say.

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