Bonus Chapter #2 The End

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Bonus chapter #2

"Guys we have a moth and we need to make this month the best one of all so we need to have fun, be risky and yeah you get it" chase said. "So start of the list we go to a carnival even though we've all been I want to go on some rides and get cotton candy" he tells us.

"And we're lucky because there's one today, so we all should get our asses up and leave" he adds.

"You've talked for a whole 5 minutes straight without anyone's say in this" Grayson said.

"Well too bad everyone get ready and lets go" he says. I get up and go upstairs to my room. Maya then soon walks in.

"Can I borrow some clothes?" She asked. I nodded. Her and Aaron haven't really talked still. I go into my closet and grab something for myself and Maya finds something for herself. I put on my shorts with a crop top with a middle finger on it. She puts on some jeans shorts and a tank top. I grab my bag and shoes and we go back downstairs.

"Ok is everyone ready" chase asked we all say yeah. "Great, lets go eat some cotton candy" he said and we all leave the house and into the car.


We soon get to the carnival I love these. We get tickets or whatever then walk in and there's rides candy and everything you need. I look at Grayson he's looking down at his phone our hands intertwined.

"Grayson off that, and come but me some cotton candy" I said. He looks up from his phone and down to me.

"Sorry the carnival isn't really my scene" he says.

"Really what is then?" I asked he shrugs.

"Your bedroom" he smirks I roll my eyes pushing him with my free hand. He stumbles a little but brings em with him cause we're holding hands. He laughs. "Ok fine lets go get some cotton candy" he tells em and we walk o where to get it.

After that we all kinds go separate ways we'll me and Grayson leave the group.

"Lets go to the fun house" I say.

"What do we plan on doing in that fun house?" He smirks. "I have some ideas" he adds. I roll my eyes.

"You're a sex addict" I say.

"Well when I'm with you yeah" he says. We entered the fun house with the weird mirrors.

"What's the point of this anyways?" He asked.

"No one really knows" I laugh. We look at ourselves in weird mirrors. "This is so stupid" I say he laughs. He turns to me pulling me close to him and kisses me. I feel my insides warm up and tingle. I love kissing him it always feels good. We pull away slowly. He smiles.

"See like this is what I was planning do to in here but go further" he said. I hit I
His chest lightly.

"Shut up" I say he chuckles.

"You love me" he says.

"I guess" I say. "Let's get out of here" I say grabbing his hand and dragging him out with me. "Now to the Farris wheel" I say with a smile. We et into a short lie after that we get on and wait for it to get to the top.

I lean my head on his shoulder he puts his arm around me. Embracing the moment. Thankfully when it stops we're at the top and we have w nice view.

"I wish this wouldn't end in a month" I say almost in a whisper.

"Yeah" he mumbles lightly. "But we still have the month" he tells me. I nod.

"Yeah but a months not that long" I reply.

"You need to stop thinking about that and live in the moment for now" he said looking down at me.

"Fine" I mumble. I lean up and kiss him. His puts his hand on my cheek his thumb rubbing my face lightly. I love these kisses the sweet passionate ones. After we pull away we enjoy the rest of the ride.


The day was great but we had to leave sometime and we did. We all go into my house my parents at work and my brother in his room like always. We sit down on the couch.

"So, um I'm gonna go et some food Grayson and chase join me" I say.

"I'll come too" Maya says.

"Nope stay we'll be back" I say. I'm trying to get Maya and Aaron to talk. We all get up and go to the kitchen. I go into the fridge and grab the brownies my mom left. I open them and start eating them.

"Brownies always remind me of the time I gave you the weed ones" Grayson said.

"Yeah when you practically drugged me" I say.

"Calm down" he laughs.

"You're annoying" I say he grabs a brownies ha seats it.

"So do you guys even think they'll talk?" Chase asked. I sit on the counter.

"No one will know" I shrug. Grayson goes between my legs wrapping his arms around my waist he kisses me.

"Guys no, this is a PDA free zone it's the kitchen and I'm here" chase said Grayson pulled away and rolls his eyes.

"No ones cares" gray says.

"I do" chase replied.

"No ones cared that you care" Grayson says I roll my eyes at the friends.

"You guys are like an annoying fighting couple" I butt in.

"Well, we are" they say.

"Good to know I've been cheated on" I smile. "Ew. I just realized I've been kissing a guy that has sucked a dick before" I say.

"Ugh, ew no" Grayson says.

"You just said you were a couple and with you two I suspected you did something" I shrug.

"We don't roll that way" they say.

"Sure" I mumble taking another brownie.

"I have some weed guys we should make some brownies" chase says.

"No thanks I'll just embarrass myself some more and no my parents will find out some how and there's also my brother" I say.

"What about me?" Ian walks in.

"I was saying how annoying you are" I say he rolls his eyes grabbing a bottle of water for himself.

"Thanks I love you too sis" he says.

"No problem" I smile. He then leaves after that.

"Well I don't hear any talking or yelling" I say. I hop off the counter and open the door from the kitchen to living room slightly too see them making out I smile.

"Mission accomplished guys" I say they come up behind me and look.

"Well done" Grayson says. I walk into the living room and cough loudly they pull away quickly. Maya flushed a deep red Aaron smirks.

"So I see that, that is now ok" I say. "Now lets watch a movie" I say sitting down Grayson beside me chase on the other side and we put on a movie and continue the night like that. Relaxing and thinking about the rest of the month we have together.


The end finally no more bonus chapters I hope you guys liked them all thank you all for reading it o enjoyed writing I did had writers block at times but I finally finished it. Comment what you think and if there's any other type of books I should do. Thanks again love you guys.


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