Boring parents but fun Grayson!

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Malia's POV

It was the end of the day I get my things. "So this week it's my house on Friday but  this Friday my parents are having people over family and she's making me be there" he says.

"I'm gonna be alone and watch movies alone" I asks.

"Sorry" she says.

"It's fine I'll just get fat by eaton all the candy" I say she laughs and we leave to our cars it's only Tuesday today but still.

I get to the house I go in and go upstairs I change into some more comfy clothes my shorts and my sports bra. I put in some earphones and listen to my music. I sing loudly I go to my desk and do some homework quickly then I finish and just sing along to my music loudly when I say loudly I mean it. I walk around my room Ian enters it.

"Shut the fuck up" he says I take my earphones out.

"Don't tell me dick I can do it if I want to" I say I and I close the door as I put the earphones in and start singing gain loudly. I walk over to the balcony it was open I'm singing I do a little dance I'm listening to Ansle Elgort 'home alone'.

"I miss you smile, I miss you laugh, I miss the memory's from our past, I mis your smile, I miss you laugh, I miss the memory's from our past....I don't wanna go home....alone" I sing my eyes are closed I'm dancing around to the music. Then I turn and open my eyes to see Grayson laughing he's on my balcony. I pull my earphones out immediately. "What the hell why are you here" I ask embarrassed because I was going crazy he claps.

"That was amazing Mal" he says.

"Yeah I know I'm gonna ask you again why are you here watching me creep" I ask.

"Well I heard you and I climb over here" he says.

"Creepy you could be a stranger and I didn't know you were here" I say.

"That means I can come here in the middle of the night" he says.

"Creepy" I say.

"Are you ticklish" he ask.

"No why" I lie.

"Just asking are you sure?" She asks I nod vigorously.

"Yup positive" I say.

"Ok so I guess you wouldn't...wouldn't mind I maybe i" he comes closer and then tackles me and starts tickling me I laugh hardly. Trying to push him off.

"G-Grayson p-pl-please stop" I laugh I kick but that does nothing. "Stop" I giggle out. He keeps going. "Stop I'm b-begging" I say. He then stops and his eyes connect with mine. The door opens to reveal my mom she's here early. I push Grayson off if me.

"Mom your here early" I say she nods.

"Yeah I wanted to make dinner for us who's your friend" she smiles.

"Mom this is Grayson, Grayson this is my mom" I say with a sigh.

"What are you disappointed in me Mal" he says with a hurt tone.

"Yes" I joke he chuckles.

"Hello I'm Grayson" he says.

"Hi I'm Anna nice meeting you are you staying for dinner" my mom asks I shake my head. "I think it'd be lovely" she says.

"No it's ok I don't want to intrude" he says.

"Oh it's nothing we're having barbecue" she says and leaves. "Keep the door open" she says.

"Mom" I yell she laughs and goes I shut the door.

"You know I still think you are a dick" I say.

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