The Date

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Malia's POV

I was with Grayson for a while and I'm still here we're sitting on his bed talking about random things like friends its actually great. When's he just himself and acts like a little boy it's adorable and he's smile is the cutest thing I know I've seen this side of him once before when we went to the arcade place. We have been just joking and saying embarrassing stories.

"Ok this is super embarrassing...once when I was in front of my crush in grade 7 I was trying to act cool Y'know like every young teen would so I was laughing I was talking to him and this girl the "popular girl" she tripped me and my pants ripped right on my ass and he laughed at me and I was super embarrassed it was horrible so I ran to the washroom and Maya helped me out with everything oh god I was so mad and I did not want to onto my classes because he was in like all of them" I say his mouth opens.

"Hats just rude not embarrassing" he says.

"Yeah I guess" I say.

"Well here's a even more worse story" he says. "Grade 7 too I was trying to be cool in front of a girl like you were in front of a guy but she was totally impressed at first and then that's when I tripped and fell face down and this gut named Isaac he laughed and I guess she at first felt bad an then she looked at him and then me and started laughing too and it was horrible" he says.

"That's rude oh my god" I say he shrugs.

"It was embarrass but it's fine" he says.

"Wow, it's fine" I say I lean against him.

"Yeah not when I was in grade 7" he says I laugh. I look up at him.

"So I told Maya about us" I say he nods. "And she was happy for some odd reason" I add.

"Why is that odd" he asks.

"I don't know" I say. He smile and pecks my lips lightly. He pulls me up to his lap.

"So we were doing something before your brother walked in" he says.

"Yeah...I know...but hold it for a second let's go somewhere fun I'm bored" I say "let's go see a movie or do something" I say.

"Yeah ok what would you like to do?" He asks.

"I don't know something fun yes we were just on a month trip but something like a date" I suggest he nods.

"Yeah well pick a place and we can go wherever you want" he says I nod.

"Yeah but maybe tomorrow and we can get back to what was happening before my loser brother walked in" I say he nods with a smirk. He kisses me and pushes me down so he's on top kissing me the whole time.


I lay on his chest he plays with my hair I close my eyes listening to his heart beat. I find myself drifting. He combs through my hair making me feel more tired. I then fall asleep.


I wake up tangled in Grayson's arms. I look up to him and he's asleep peacefully I'm still like on top of him his hands around me he so cute when he sleeps so peaceful like the world is great and there's nothing to care for his light snores fill the room. I peck his lips lightly but before I pull away he pulls me closer smiling and kissing me more deeply I roll my eyes and kiss back. We pull away.

"I enjoy that way of waking up" he says.

"I know" I say hI smirks. I look at the time 10:34.

"Well our dates today and as you slept I planned it out...not usually like me but I did and we have to leave at 12:30 so you Gould go back home get ready even though I prefer you right now in my shirt" he says.

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