Crazy day

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Malia's POV

"Um nothing I didn't say anything" I lie.

"You did who do you not compare to" he asks.

"No one" I say. "You heard wrong" I say worriedly. He just stares at me. His mouths parts a little and he looks at me.

"" he says. " don't mean that" he says. " think you don't compare to Stella" he says oh shit.

"What no of course not why would I" I say.

" you actually think that?" He asks I sigh.

"Yes...but there's a's because no one compares from your first love and I get it" I say.

"So I don't compare to max" he says a tint of annoyance in his tone.

"Yes you do you're ten times better I need even loved him yeah I thought I did but really it was nothing I didn't feel this way with him" I say.

"Well...Malia just because she was my first love doesn't mean you don't compare to her...I don't want you to think that a) because I just told you I don't think I'd fall in love with someone else after that and I did with you and b) she's dead yes I loved her and she was my first love and I miss her sometimes but that doesn't mean anything and truthfully I'm hurt by you thinking you don't compare to her when none of those words were said to you" he says.

"I know...its just why would I compare to her anyways" I say.

"Why wouldn't you?" He remarks back.

"Because there's many reason starting by your first love. She's literally a goddess she seems like a good person and I don't like talking about this she's dead this is rude" I say.

"What of those things are you not" he asks.

"All especially your first love" I say he sighs.

"You are goddess in my eyes and you're also a great person" he says.

"And the picture I saw of her laughing she probably laugh like an angle" I say.

"This is too much now ok she's dead...and you're talking about her like she's here and we just broke up or something. Ok you have a great laugh...what's up with you do you not want to compare to her?" He asks.

"Of course I do...but obviously I feel like I don't because she was probably everything I wasn't right...she was probably normal she didn't have blue hair she didn't dance or sing like a retard she probably didn't act like a bitch she and probably wasn't so weird or she didn't like to walk around in booty shorts and a crop top or something and dance to music. And I doubt she's a total weirdo when she gets high if she gets high. And I bet she doesn't sleep late. And she can probably cook great I can't even make eggs" I say.

"Well very thing you just said is accurate he did none of those things and that's hey I love you because me and you are like the same except you're a girl and everything you said is everything I love ok it is she did do some of those things but not all and this is why I'm in love with you" he said. I look down his hand is still intertwined with mine I guess he does love me of course I know that. "You compare Mal ok I don't want you to think you don't...I love you...a lot more than life and we've been dating for what a month now and that's how I feel" he says.

"I know sorry I was being stupid...ok" I say.

"No you weren't just next time don't lie to me if you're thinking about something like that" he says lifting my chin so I can look at him.

"Yeah" I say he looks into my eyes. He smiles lightly.

"Yeah" he replies.

"Yeah" I say back.

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