James Franco

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I wake up to my alarm blaring I shut it off. Ugh Monday...the worst possible day in the week. I open my eyes and groan.

"Wake up...Grayson" I say.

"Yeah I know I heard your alarm" he said.

"I hate Mondays" I groan.

"I know" he mumbles.

I get up and go to the washroom and change into my clothes and do my stuff. I go out and Grayson's out of the bed and gone. I grab my bag and my shoes and go downstairs. I put my shoes on and grab a granola bar and wait for Grayson.

He walks in.

"Ready?" He asks I nod and we leave.


We get to the school and I go to my locker and grab my things. I still haven't talked to Maya and it feels so weird.

I sigh. Maybe the whole thing was just stupid. I turn and see her talking to Aaron with a smile. I roll my eyes no she was wrong. I shut my locker and turn around and Grayson in front of me.

"It's called personal space...have you heard of it?" I ask back if up so we aren't so close.

"Yeah...whatever" he chuckles. We start walking to our class.

We get there and i sit in my usual seat while Grayson's sits in his next to me.

"I was like...sorry sweetie I'm not interested" I hear the familiar high pitched voice of Stacy I roll my eyes at her minions laugh at her. "He literally looked so disappointed and I just rolled my eyes and walked away" she said sitting in the seat behind me. I turn around.

"Oh yeah he was disappointed because he regretted ever trying to ask out such a bitch like that" I say with a sweet smile she glares at me.

"You don't even know what I was talking about" she replied.

"I think the whole class knows because of your eardrum breaking voice" I say she looks angry now and huffs.

"You're being a bitch for no reason now stop being jealous of me and want to have my life and get your own" she said.

"You're right...I totally wanna be a slut and everyone knows me because I open my legs to every guy in this school...ooh so jealous" I say sarcastically she clenches her jaw.

"Listen bitch...you're just a fucking loser whose jealous of what I have because you aren't popular and you can never be and you're just annoyed that I'm so pretty and guys like me" she said.

"Wait...isn't it funny that the only guy that you actually liked AKA my boyfriend didn't like you back?" I say her face drops I turn and the teacher walks in my phone beeps.

Gray: is it weird that I got turned on because of how you were acting?

I laugh quietly.

Me: as long as it was me who turned you on then it's all fine

I hear him chuckle.

Gray: of course it was you ;)

I roll my eyes and put my phone down as the teacher starts the lesson.


It's lunch and the day has gone by what feels like forever. I sit in the usual spot and eat my fries. They all sit down too including Maya.

"Malia...you're oddly quiet...that unusual" chase says.

"You're oddly annoying wait not oddly it's pretty common with you" I say. I haven't been in the best mood especially when that whole Stacy thing happened.

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