Let me go

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Malia's POV

  I wake up a heavy arm on me I adjust my eyes it's Grayson. I have to lack today we're leaving in 2 days. I look at the time 11:30. I try to get up but he just grips tighter wow protective much. "Grayson why do you have to be asleep let me leave" I groan. His light snores fill the room. I look at him he's so hot....stop it Malia. I curse under my breath. "I hate my life" I groan to myself.  He pulls me closer like I'm a teddy bear you sleep with. Now our chests are touching and our faces close but I'm short so I'm at his chest. "Why" I say.

"Why do you keep talking to yourself" he says his voice groggily.

"Because you have a death grip on me and I can't get up" I say he chuckles.

"Like you don't like the closeness" he says.

"I don't" I lie I chew on my lip.

"Remember I said I know when you lie babe don't even try" he says in a low voice.

"If anyone walks in I'm dead and you're dead so bye see you in hell" I say he laughs.

"Ok see you there I'll save you a seat" he jokes along with me I laugh.

"Thanks" I joke back he chuckles.

"Well before I die will you marry me" he jokes.

"Where's my ring?" I ask.

"I don't have one..." He trails off.

"Well I don't know" I joke.

"I've always knew you loved me for my money" he jokes I burst out laughing he laughs too.

"Good one" I say. "Now let go of me I have a great access to your dick and my knee is right there" I say.

"You wouldn't dare" he says with a gasp.

"I've done it before I can do it again" I say he covers his crotch with one hand.

"Yeah that's what I thought" I say and get up he grabs me again and pulls me down.

"No it was comfy before" he says wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"Whatever" I say trying I get up but I struggle.

"Just stay don't struggle you know it's comfy" he says I roll my eyes.

"I have to pack for our road trip" I say he groans.

"We leave in two says you have time" he says.

"Whatever I'm a girl I don't have that much time leg me go" I say pushing him. "Can I punch you I've always wanted to" I say he chuckles.

"Wow now I know what you think of me a sexy punching bag" he says. I laugh.

"Not a sexy one" I say he gasps.

"Yes a sexy one go a head punch me but not in my face because that's just my best feature" he says.

"A features one thing not the whole face" I say.

"Well ereything on my face is hot so" he she's I punch his chest he doesn't seem fazed.

"You know why I really want to punch you because of when you said that thing about Max I just wanted to hurt you" I say.

"I know you said I want to punch him in his beautiful face" he says.

"Chase told you" I say he nods. "He's dead I'm killing him" I say getting up.

"Where are you going now" he asks siting up.

"Here" I say and punch his chest he just laughs I tackle him and start punching his chest hard even though it kinda hurts my knuckles and it's doing nothing I him. "Ugh why can't this hurt you" I say punching repeatedly he just laughs. "Stop laughing you dick" I say punching.

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