Party crashers

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A week later schools over

Malia's POV

Schools done it's over YES YES YES. "Thank you god" I say as I exit school.

"For what reason" I hear a deep familiar voice...Grayson.

"For making school be over" I say he chuckles.

"Our adventures begin" he says.

"What adventures" chase asks.

"My bucket list I made when I was high" I say.

"Oh yeah" he says. "I'm doing it with you guys" he says.

"Ok" we both say.

"Me too" Aaron says.

"No I thought we'd leave you" I say sarcastically Grayson laughs.

"Whatever" he says.

"When does this start" chase asks.

"I don't know it's just starts what's my first thing on the list" I ask Grayson pull it out.

"You never took it so I kept it" he says I nod and we look.

"Go on a road trip ok but I think we should just do that later and start with sneak out...because there's a party we need to crash Mal so sneak out" he says. I nod slowly.

"Why am I friends with you guys?" I asks.

"Because we're amazing" they all say in sync.

"Yeah sure but you guys are like on big giant person combined because you're all very alike" I say they laugh.

"Well bye and what time is the party?" I asks.

" at 6:30 meet me out side" he says I nod and go into my car and leave.

I get home Ian's there watching tv my mom is at work so is my dad. Ok how great.

"Oh Malia that you right mom said not to go anywhere they'll be back soon for dinner" Ian say turning to me. Shit.

"Mm hmm ok I'll be in my room don't bother me" I say he looks back at the tv. I go up and open my balcony.

"Grayson" I yell he falls I laugh.

"Fuck Mal what the hell" he says. He's shirtless.

"My parents said they need me home tonight" I say.

"Perfect it's best to skip then" he says.

"They'll ground me even though I barely pay attention to them and I do my own things but still" I say.

"Whatever just be like it was an emergency my friend was in the hospital" he says. I slowly nod.

"Why are you shirtless and just in your boxers" I ask.

"I was about to change then you interrupted that and I fell" he says. "You like hat you see don't you" he says cockily.

"No I don't like seeing a bulge in your boxers" I say he chuckles.

"Sure you don't" he says talk a sip of his water bottle.

"I don't" I say turning.

"We're are you going" he asks.

"I need to change this is so uncomfortable" I say he nods I look through me closet I get out my crop top saying 'fuck you, you fucking fuck' with the middle finger and some high waisted shorts and I take out my combat boots for later.


It's 6:30 now "Malia" my name was called I look out the window Grayson's there in he's regular black shirt and some jeans.

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