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This is what Stella looks like⤴️⤴️

Malia POV

I'm at school it's been now 2 days since I talked to Grayson it's weirdo don't like it, it doesn't feel right. I get my books.

"Malia" I hear a voice familiar I see chase.

"What" I ask.

"Um it's been two days right" he asks I nod. "Can you guys talk already it's annoying" he says I roll my eyes.

"whatever chase I'm still mad at him" I say he sighs the bell rings and I go to class.


It's lunch not again I just don't go to the cafeteria.

"Mal get over here to the cafeteria" I hear chase and shake my head.

"Nope" I say.

"Come on you're being annoying" he says.

"So are you" I say.

"We want you there" he says.

"It's awkward" I say.

"It's not please" he whines.

I groan then I walk over to him he smiles. We go in.

"I hate you" I say.

"Sure" he says. I sit so does he I eat some of his fries.

"I'm not even gonna complain because you are actually sitting here so" he says.

"Just stop talking" I say he does.

"So why is everyone so quiet" Aaron says. I look at him and roll my eyes.

"Aaron...just shut up" me and Grayson in sync. We look at each other I look away.

"Ok for fuck sakes talk" chase says. We both look at him.

"Shut up" I we both say again oh god.

Grayson's POV

"Grayson can we talk" chase says I roll my eyes and get up we go somewhere no one here's me. "Talk to her" he says.

"She hates me" I say.

"She doesn't she's mad yes and said she wanted to punch your beautiful face but still" he says.

"She says beautiful face?" I asks he nods and I smile.

"Talk to her you dumb ass" he says.

"I will after school" I say he nods and we go back and sit she's talking to Aaron. I look at her she laughs and then she turns and looks at me a little and looks away ugh I messed up let's hope she talks back and forgives me.

Malia's POV

It's end and we all go to class.


It's the end of the day I go home I change I look outside it's a nice day. I admire the sun but that gets interrupted.

"can we talk" I hear Grayson's voice that I haven't heard in hat feels like forever I look at him.

"Why" I asks.

"You know why" he says.

"Fine what" I ask.

"Can I come over it's weird I feel really far and it won't be the same" he says hop in a laugh and nod he comes over. "So I wanted to say this I don't do the a lot ok I'm sorry for being a dick about the Max thing it wasn't right I was just mad because of the Stella thing so I got mad I'm really sorry" he says looking into my eyes he says it not in the nicest tone but I know he means it he really doesn't say sorry to really anyone. I sigh liking annoyed even though that was cute.

"It's fine I might of overreacted it's just I haven't even told maya about that" I say he smiles.

"Really oh thank god I thought you'd still be mad and not talk to me" he says I laugh lightly.

"God you an really be a dick but why am I friends with you" I say and hug him he hugs me back. "I'm happy you apologized I have no one Maya's on a trip" I say.

"Well what are friends for" he asks. "So are we gonna complete the bucket list or what?" He asks.

"It's only Tuesday" I say.

"Yeah and summer is in a week" he says.

"Oh my god yeah" I say realizing it's done in a week yes.

"well then we'll do it during the summer" I say he nods.

"Ok" he says.


He left after we talked for a little I'm on my phone maya texts me.

Maya: oh my god my moms says we're staying another 2 weeks in Florida :(

Me: boo you whore

Maya: I know at least you have Grayson a hotty there

Me: yeah haha

I laugh at her.

Maya: miss ya

Me: miss you too I gotta go bye

I put my phone down and do some extra homework we're gonna have a shut load of tests this week.

I ended this one short had nothing to write next chapter will be long!

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