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Malia's POV

I wake up to the sound of Grayson's voice.

"Babe wake up we need to go" he says I groan.

"Why" I groan he chuckles.

"Because we're leaving here" he says I open one eye to see him getting his pants on.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because we have too" he says I see his smile he's shaking his head.

"Ugh" I groan.

"It's 12:30 c'mon" he says.

"He said we're leaving in the morning not afternoon" I say he laughs.

"Yeah but we wouldn't wake up he said so he gave up and now we're leaving c'mon" he says. I open both of my eyes and get up slowly I go to the washroom and do my thing and I change. Grayson grabs my bag for me and we go out. We go to the front I had the girl my key and we go to the car. As we walk I see chase and Aaron talking leaning against the car. We get to the car.

"Afternoon sex monkeys" chase says with a smile I roll my eyes.

"Shut up chase" Grayson says chase chuckles. He puts our things in the car.

"Are you guys ready to leave?" Chase asks I nod and so does Grayson. "Ok let's leave" he says I nod.

"I'm driving because first you are not the fastest driver second because I just want to" Grayson says chase rolls his eyes but nods.

"Ok Malia do you wanna sit up front?" He asks I nod.

"Um sure" I say he nods. I get into the front seat. Grayson and everyone else gets in and he starts the car and we leave. I turn the radio up. "So where are we going back or what?" I ask.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" Grayson asks.

"Well it's been almost a month we have a month left I guess we should go back I told my mom we'd be a couple weeks and I haven't called her and she hates me oh my god I need to call her" I say I grab my phone and dial her number after one ribs she picked up.

"What the hell Malia HOW DARE YOU BOT CALL ME I THOUGHT YOU DIED I CALLED YOU AND YOU WERENT PICKING UP HOW DARE YOU" she yelled I put my phone away from my ear as she yelled.

"Mom-mom calm down I'm sorry ok I was busy the whole time I'm sorry don't yell" I say.


"I'm sorry just stop yelling because you're breaking my fricken ear drum" I say.

"Ok don't ever do that again though" she says I nod even though she can't see me.

"Ok fine sorry in fine...um we're coming home soon...maybe in a couple days ok" I say l.

"Yeah ok bye an don't do that anymore love you bye" she says and I hang up. I put my phone down.

"What the hell I heard her yelling" chase says. I shrug.

"I know whenever I don't do something she wants me to she gets pretty angry" I say.

"Ahh so we are going back?" Chase asks.

"I guess we have nothing better to do" I say he nods in agreement. I look out the window. "Can we stop t a gas station I forgot to pee" I say and glance at Grayson as he nods.

"Why do you always forget to pee" Grayson asks I shrug.

"Dunno but I do it's a beautiful day today" I say Grayson sighs."is it that day?" He questions I turn to look at him.

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