Its that time

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Couple days later on the road again.

Malia's POV

We are on the road again and I'm looking over my list and seeing what else I have to do. Break the law, get a tattoo, and go skinny dipping. "There's only three more things to do on the list" I say. Grayson's driving and I'm sitting up front.

"What are those three things" chase asks.

"Um break the law get a tattoo and go skinny dipping...there all horrible" I say he chuckles.

"How old are you because I don't think you can get a tattoo yet" chase says.

"I'm 17" I reply.

"Yeah you'll be fine" he says.

"Does it hurt a lot?" I ask.

"Well ask Grayson" Aaron says. I look at him.

"Well how's your pain tolerance" he asks.

"Fine I can handle pain" I say.

"Can you handle being stabbed" he asks.

"Um I've never been stabbed so I don't know" I say.

"Ok what have you gone through" he asks.

"Um I fell down the stairs when I was younger because I tripped" I say he laughs.

"Ok anything else?" He asks.

"Oh a person hit me with a bike he want looking and he just ran into me" I say.

"Are you scared of needles or pointy things?" He asks.

"No" I reply.

"You'll be fine just don't over think it" he says.

"What should I get" I ask.

"Um a palm tree" he says.

"Would it be nice?" I ask he nods. "What do you have" I ask him.

"I only have one tattoo" he says.

"Which is?" I ask.

"Something" he says.

"Just tell me" I say.

"Why it's just a tattoo it's fine" I say.

"No I don't want to be all like oh that's so cute and then feel bad for me" he says I'm confused.

"Just tell me I'm your girlfriend you have to" I say.

"No I don't and have you not seen it?" He asks.

"I have I just don't pay attention to it" I say he groans.

"Mymomsbirthday" he says really quickly.

"What?" I ask.

"My moms birthday" he says slower I look at him.

"That's the most adorable thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth" I say he groans.

"Shut up Mal" he says.

"Why it's cute" I say.

"Whatever" he says.

"You know that just made you hotter" I say his mouth lifts up into a smirk.

"Really?" He asks I nod.

"But...don't get to carried away with that" I say.

"Well too late for that" he says I roll my eyes.

"Whatever" I say.

"So am I the only one gonna get a tattoo?" I ask.

"Well what would we get" chase says.

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