Months later

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Couple months later a day from graduation.

I walk into the school. It's been practically the full year and graduation is in a day. I'm scared. Extremely scared. I got into NYU. The school I wanted to get in. Maya got into Brown University I know she's so smart it's annoying. Grayson got into NYU with me thankfully. Aaron got into University of Boston he wanted to be close to Maya it's only an hour away. Then Chase. Who knew he would be the smartest of all of us. He got into Harvard. Yup. I know who would've thought. At least we aren't that far from each other.

Suddenly I feel myself being lifted off the ground.

"Wooww" I say. I see Grayson is the one doing it.

"Oh hey babe" I say. I'm facing his ass.

"Hey" he replied.

"Graduation tomorrow, what do you feel about it?" I asked. And he's prom happened if you're wondering it was ok.

"I feel happy because I get to get out of this shit hole" he tells me I laugh. I smack his butt. "Excuse me that's assault" he said.

"You do it to me" I say.

"It's different you don't mind it, I do" he tells me I roll my eyes.

"It's actually annoying" I say.

"Hey losers" Aaron and chase come up.

"Hey, where's Maya?" I asked.

"At her locker" Aaron replies.

"Why are you being held up?" Chase asked I shrug.

"Have no clue, we need to stop at my locker though I need to grab some stuff" I say. He makes the way to my locker. "Turn" I say he does I open the locker.

"Thanks for the view" I hear chase I just laugh a little but I can feel that Grayson annoyed. I grab my books and shut the locker.

"No problem" I say.

"So who's ready to graduate?" Chase asked.

"Everyone I think" I mumble. He starts walking again to our class.

"Guys that means today's our last fully day of school tomorrow's graduation today's the last day of school, omgeeee yesssss" I say. "This means I can hate on the teachers and not care" I say.

"Isn't that regular for you?" Grayson asked.

"I cared before but I always hated on teachers" I reply. He walks into the class. He puts me down.

"Why the hell didn't you bring me to the seat?" I asked he shrugged.

"Because all the guys were looking at your ass" chase says.

"Why is it even a big deal, it's not like I'll do anything" I mumble I sit at my seat. The teacher walks in and starts the lesson.


Lunch finally. I sit down.

"I will totally not remember this stupid ass place" I say looking around the cafeteria. "And the stupid ass people here" I add.

"You can't forget me" Aaron said.

"Obviously not you losers, no one could forget you, you guys are annoying" I say.

"We love you too" chase said. "Y-you mean a lot to me" he fake sobs. I roll my eyes.

"There's still summer so I don't know what you guys think but ok" I say.

"Hi...guys" I hear the familiar high annoying voice of Stacey. I turn. She gives me a fake smile.

"What?" We ask her.

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