Just a regular day

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Malia's POV

I wake up wrapped in Grayson's arms I smile remembering yesterday it was great I had so much fun. I look up to a sleeping him. I slip out of his arms getting up I grab my phone.

"So no morning kiss I thought that was gonna be a thing" I hear his morning voice deep and raspy. I smile. "And I never saw you a the person to sneer out of a guys room" he adds I laugh.

"I didn't want to wake you up loser" I say. I turn to look at him. He's shirtless the blanket around his hips his hands behind his head.

"Wow loser I expected more" he says I roll my eyes.

"You're annoying" I say.

"Well I'm waiting" he says.

"That's not the way you get a morning kiss and that's supposed to be when you're asleep so" I say he closes his eyes and pretends to sleep. "Wow you're so mature" I say but he just still pretends. I I'll my eyes and go up to him and kiss him he pulls me close and flips us so he on top of course usual Grayson. We pull away.

"I have my own house and I still haven't slept there since we came back so" I say he shrugs.

"Does it matter when you're with me?" He asks.

"Yeah" I lie no it doesn't.

"Wow ok Mal" he says I laugh.

"I'm joking but my mom always wonders where I am so bye" I say I peck his lips and pub him off and go through the window to my room I slip on some short I was wearing his shirt only I walk downstairs. I see Ian on the couch he turns.

"Where were you?" He asks.

"Why do you care" I say annoyed he's so annoying after what happened I'm mad at him.

"Just asking" he mumbles and looks away after giving me a once over look I roll my eyes and go into the kitchen. I make myself a coffee I forgot mom had work today. I guess I didn't have to leave gray. But anyways I need more time with Maya I text her to come over I go back up stairs and sit on my bed on my phone the door opens and Maya walks in.

"Hey" she says sitting down.

"Hey" I reply. "We haven't hung out in a while it's weird" I say she nods.

"Yeah. We haven't been hanging out that much. So how's everything with you and Grayson?" She smiles.

"Great actually we hang out all the time it's just good" I say he nods we keep talking for hours.

Maya and I were talking for like 5 hours and she left it was good but I need to find a way to tell her o slept with Grayson I still haven't. I sit in my room on my phone bored. I look at the time 5:00 oh k wow it's getting late. I have 3 weeks till school again oh god. My phone buzzes it's a text from Grayson.

Gray: hey

I smile even though it's the smallest thing he does it.

Me: hey

Gray: whatcha doing?

Me: stuff

Gray: like...

Me: stuff

Gray: really be more specific.

Me: I'm texting you

Gray: wow ok you're being too much

I laugh.

Me: what do you want me to say

Gray: what are you doing? Not that hard of a question

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