Do i know everything about you?

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Malias POV

Grayson and I sit there watching tv I lean against his shoulder his arm around me I like this just us siting quietly no drama nothing. Right now we are watching re-runs of one tree hill...I'm obsessed Nathan is the hottest person ever. He plays basketball and it just makes everything hotter. My phone buzzes and it's Maya.

Maya: hey you alone? Cause I can come over.

Me: nah me and Grayson are together you can still come tho. We're watching one tree hill.

Maya: omg I love that it's fine I thought you were alone I would come and last Friday we didn't do our annual thing sorry because of the date and all that shit.

Me: no problem it's fine we'll do it this Friday...oh god Nathan is SOO HOT!!

Maya: I know I'm gonna go watch with Aaron now...I want him.

Me: I know I'm like drooling on Grayson's shoulder...why can't I have him.

Maya: you have a boyfriend you know.

Me: I know you do too.

Maya: I know:(

Me: hey why the sad face.

Maya: I could never get Nathan

Me: Haha I know

Maya: I just put it on and he's playing basketball oh my god.

Me: I know I wish it was season 4 tho that the best one.

Maya: yeah he looks great in that one.

Me: I know...ugh I hated that he was a dick in the first few episodes but I still love him.

Maya: yeah...well let's get watching hopefully he takes his shirt off soon bye.

Me: yeah bye:)

I put my phone down and look at the tv and Nathan's shirtless oh god. I mentally die I want to lick his abs. I just want to eat his face.

"Why are we watching this?" He asks.

"Because a.) it's a great show b.) Nathan is literally hotter than hell and c.) I love it" I say.

"Which ones Nathan?" He asks.

"The hot one" I say in a duh tone.

"I don't find guys hot so I wouldn't know" he says I roll my eyes.

"Blue eyes dark hair hot body hot face and hot everything" I say.

"I am right do know that right?" He says I laugh a little.

"Yeah...don't worry it's not like I could ever get him" I say he just looks at me.

"Wow what a confidence booster" he says I nudge him.

"I'm joking" I say looking at him he rolls his eyes and kisses me.

"what did you do to make me like you" he asks.

"Hey I did nothing you just fell for me because I'm hot and amazing" I say he laughs and kisses me again. We pull away god I love his lips....they're just great. I lean on him he kisses my head and I smile he's so cute. He rubs my arm up and down. And I'm soon drifting into a sleep and then I'm out.


I wake up laying on Grayson's chest he's asleep I look at the time. 1:26 am I groan I hate falling asleep early then I wake up late. I look up at Grayson his chest rising and falling. I just sit there looking at him sleeping there's nothing ever to worry about in the world. His hands are on my waist around me. I just sit there and try to fall back asleep and I lean on his chest listening to his heart beat and fall asleep again.

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